OK, I RTFM'd, made some adjustments and still have this problem. Code to follow.
I create a persistable object.
I add it to a set.
I assert the set contains the object which passes.
I save the object.
I commit the transaction, close the session and reopen the session.
I retrieve the Permission from the db into a new reference.
I compare the hashcodes of these and call equals on both objets.
These tests pass so the retrieved object equals the original object in every way except they are separate instances.
I assert the original object is contained in the Set. This passes.
I assert the retrieved object is contained in the Set. This fails.
Permission permission = new Permission( "test permission " + uniqueLongValue() );
Set s = new HashSet();
s.add( permission );
assertTrue(s.contains( permission ));
session.save( permission );
Permission retrievedPermission = (Permission )session.get(Permission.class, permission.getId());
assertEquals(permission.hashcode(), retrievedPermission.hashcode());
assertEquals(permission, retrievedPermission);
assertEquals(retrievedPermission, permission);
assertFalse(permission == retrievedPermission);
assertTrue(s.contains( permission ));
assertTrue(s.contains( retrievedPermission ));