Steve.Hookway wrote:
Thanks for the reply. I think I will try to configure hibernate with mysql. I was just trying to get the tutorial to work. I guess my question was less of a hibernate question and more of HSQLDB question.
Yep. Maybe. Unfortunately, I know even less about HSQLDB than about Hibernate *g*
However, a quick search turned up this:
and I'm guessing it's this section: ... tml#N101A8
So, for persisting the table, you need two things:
1) a database URL starting with "jdbc:hsqldb:file:" rather than "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:"
2a) an explicit SHUTDOWN command
2b) a connection property, shutdown=true
(section: "Closing the Database")
The documentation also says that this behavior has changed from HSQLDB 1.7.2 to 1.8.0. Maybe the Hibernate example wasn't updated for that (yet).
Well, I still prefer MySQL for development, but of course, I also like getting all my "tests" to work :-)
Good luck :-)