Hi, guys, please give me some advices.
I'm using Eclipse3.1, Hibernate3.0, Hibernate plugin for Eclipse, and mysql as db.
The plugin can generate hibernate.cfg.xml, but the console configuration cannot find the jdbc dirver , and add... GUI only shows directory bin and src instead of lib where the jar is. furthermore, the artifact generator cannot generate any .java or .hbm.xml files. the error looks like
"org.hibernate.console.HibernateConsoleRuntimeException:Problems while loading database driverclass (org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver)"
I did not know how to deal with it.
I'm new with hibernate. I thought the artifact generator can help to generate codes from my db. I wonder if it can. I read some articles saying the console configuration is to do some query in Eclipse. then, how to utilize the tools to generate the POJO files and .hbm.xml files from my schema?