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 Post subject: using hibernate with packages
PostPosted: Sat May 14, 2005 6:36 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 23, 2005 10:50 pm
Posts: 17
I have an application with the following packages:


the root folder is called version and it is set to the classpath as
classpath = C:\version

basically the folders look like this:


As far as the packaging and classpath settings are concerned everything
is fine.

In the model folder (or package, C:\version\examples\model)
all the objects to be persisted are there.

In the database folder (C:\version\examples\database) the peristence
class, the class that saves, updates, deletes.. objects reside there.
Also all the hibernate properties and xml files reside there.
But when I run a class from this database folder it does not work!

I get the following output:
WARNING: /hibernate.cfg.xml not found

Please let me know what the problem is, I though that you have to
place all the hibernate files in the same folder where the class that
persist objects reside (including hibernate.cfg.xml which I have done).

Thank you!

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