to manage your access path/sequence to the database
Do you feel the MSSQL server needs to be tweaked a little in order to make this scenario work with 20 threads ?
I would really appreciate as we have a mjor release in few weeks and i need to resolve this issue ASAP ?
If i send the code , can you suggest a different way to write in order to avoid this deadlock?
The code is working fine in MySQL and does not give any errors.
I am currently using spring 1.1.1 and hibernate 2.1.4 to execute the application. But i am not using the HibernateTemplate given by the Spring but using sessionFactory.openSession() to open session
the calling session.update() /session.delete() on the VO , flush the session and later close the session
Do you suggest using refresh on each VO before i call find/update/delete ?