jlinux wrote:
I need your help to test the plugin and give me some useful suggestion, so I can going on developing the plugin.
This topic concerns what I think is top-priority in the Java world right now, so I'm happy to contribute with some ideas/suggestions:
First, developing a Java app shouldn't be any harder than modelling (or reverse-engineering from DB) a UML class diagram, right-clicking and selecting "generate code...", "Java classes", "Hibernate mappings" and "Hibernate-driven Stateless Session Beans". Build, deploy - done. Specifically, it should have a Hibernate specific propery inspector (or similar) for editing Hibernate properties per class.
No resource-hogging complex Entity Beans, no CMP finders, just plain-old Java classes that are sent between the presentation tier and the middletier for storage and viewing. A Pragmatic, minimalistic, KISS, "Just like you would expect it to be" architecture. OO as it should be