I'm getting some pain on this step: I can't find a eficient way to generate the HBM and classes of my project.
I have an UML Argo model.
1. Trying Middlegen: It don't read my model,so I have to remodel all again. Busted.
2. Trying AndroMDA: it don't read argo. Version 3 is a big truck: My team will have to learn Maven and all AndroMDA complex, VERY complex configuration, that generates all my application. But I just want to generate HBM and plain classes. So , it was my best choice but, I can't use it! busted. After all I realized that AndroMDA may be just an excuse to sell Poseidon and Magic Draw copies. I can't accept an open source project that needs a comercial tool to work.
3. class2HBM is deprecated. If it works I could generate HBM from source that I could generate from Argo.
4. Hibernate Synchronizer: The BEST tool ever, poor mentioned here and in the documentation. It's a well focused tool , open source, extensible, BUT it is intended for Database reverse eng. The best part, you don't need to learn thousand of pages of documentation like Middlegen, and a week to figure out those ant scripts that I hate so much.
But I loose my UML capabilities of inheritance... busted.
Any other option ? I just want to automate my hbm generation from XMI ? nobody does that ?! If there is no such a tool I will make it.
_________________ Alexandre Torres