Joined: Thu Apr 28, 2005 3:12 pm Posts: 7
class Person
String login;//unique
String email //unique
I would like to insert into database new Person, but before that i would like to check if in database are already objects with the same email or login. I don't want to execute 3 statements in my java code:
1. check if there is Person with the same login
2. check if there is Person with the same email
3. insert new person
If i wouldn't use Hibernate i would write stored procedure smothing like this:
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE login=@login)
return 1;
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE email=@email)
return 2;
return 0;
So i would execute i stored procedure and received information wheter Person was added and if not - why
My question is whether in hibernate is some way to recevie information about problems during If i simply use and in database is already person with the same email or login I will only recevie ContraintViolationHibernate without information wich contriaint was violated.