Thanks for the update Micheal.
Pl take a minute to see one of my stored proc.
create or replace procedure testresults_report
(p_condition health_related_activity.condition_code%type, --input parameter
p_report_status health_related_activity.hra_status%type, --input parameter
p_completed_start_date disease_report.date_started%type, --input parameter
p_completed_end_date disease_report.date_completed%type, --input parameter
p_community_area postal_location.community_area_code, --input parameter
p_priority health_related_activity.priority_level, --input parameter
p_age person.age%type, --input parameter
p_refcur in out sys_refcursor) --output parameter (result set)
v_stmt varchar2(2000) := select hra.hra_id, en.given_name, phe.entity_id, pe.birth_date,
hra.condition_code, pl.community_area_code, en.entity_id, hra.priority_level,
dr.date_completed, dr.date_started, (select ien.last_name||', '||ien.given_name
from health_related_activity iact, activity_relationship ar,
public_health_entity iphe, entity_name ien, entity_hra_participation iehp
where iact.hra_id = ar.hra_id1
and ar.hra_id2 = hra.hra_id
and ar.act_rel_type_code = 'PERTAINS'
and iact.hra_id = iehp.hra_id
and iehp.part_type_code = 'INVESTIGATOR'
and iehp.entity_id = iphe.entity_id
and iphe.entity_id = ien.entity_id ) assigned_to_name,
row_number() over (order by phe.entity_id) cnt,
dense_rank() over (order by phe.entity_id) rnk
from health_related_activity hra, disease_report dr, postal_location pl,
public_health_entity phe, person pe, entity_name en,
entity_hra_participation ehp,
public_health_entity phe2, entity_name auth, entity_hra_participation ehp2,
public_health_entity phe3, entity_name org, entity_role er
where dr.hra_id = hra.hra_id
and hra.hra_id = ehp.hra_id
and ehp.entity_id = phe.entity_id
and ehp.part_type_code = 'SUBJECT'
and phe.entity_id = pl.entity_id
and en.entity_id = phe.entity_id
and phe.entity_id = pe.entity_id
and ehp.hra_id = ehp2.hra_id
and ehp2.entity_id = phe2.entity_id
and ehp2.part_type_code = 'AUTHOR'
and auth.entity_id = phe2.entity_id
and phe2.entity_id = er.entity_id1
and er.entity_id2 = phe3.entity_id
and er.role_class_code = 'EMPLOYEE'
and phe3.entity_id = org.entity_id
This is just one of the reports, we have. To do this as a plain JDBC, it would be very tuff. Would you have an idea, as when this read support can be released.
Thanks a lot!!!!!