I am a new Hibernate User,when I use
Hibernate 3
Sqlserver2000 Database
and It give me following infomation:
INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:147 - cleaning up connection pool: jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost:1433/myShield;charset=GBK
my hibernate.cfg.xml as following:
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN"
<property name="dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect</property>
<property name="connection.driver_class">net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver</property>
<property name="connection.username">sa</property>
<property name="connection.password">123</property>
<property name="connection.url">jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost:1433/myShield;charset=GBK</property>
<property name="connection.pool.size">30</property>
<property name="statement_cache.size">30</property>
<property name="jdbc.fetch_size">50</property>
<property name="jdbc.batch_size">30</property>
<property name="show_sql">false</property>
<mapping resource="myshield/logActionForm.hbm.xml"/>
package myshield;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
import java.io.File;
public class HibernateUtil {
private static SessionFactory sessionFactory=null;;
static {
try {
sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory();
catch (HibernateException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Exception building SessionFactory: " + ex.getMessage(),
public static final ThreadLocal session = new ThreadLocal();
public static Session currentSession() throws HibernateException {
Session s = (Session) session.get();
// Open a new Session, if this Thread has none yet
if (s == null) {
s = sessionFactory.openSession();
return s;
public static void closeSession() throws HibernateException {
Session s = (Session) session.get();
if (s != null)
Session session = HibernateUtil.currentSession();
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
... ...
It can't built a new SessionFactory,when I debug here:
sessionFactory = new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory();
It always give me as following:
11:16:23,687 INFO Environment:456 - Hibernate 3.0rc1
11:16:23,890 INFO Environment:469 - hibernate.properties not found
11:16:24,015 INFO Environment:502 - using CGLIB reflection optimizer
11:16:24,031 INFO Environment:532 - using JDK 1.4 java.sql.Timestamp handling
11:16:24,109 INFO Configuration:1228 - configuring from resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml
11:16:24,156 INFO Configuration:1199 - Configuration resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml
11:16:26,890 INFO Configuration:439 - Mapping resource: myshield/logActionForm.hbm.xml
11:16:54,531 INFO HbmBinder:256 - Mapping class: myshield.logActionForm -> basic_info
11:16:55,218 INFO Configuration:1340 - Configured SessionFactory: null
11:16:55,312 INFO Configuration:844 - processing extends queue
11:16:55,328 INFO Configuration:848 - processing collection mappings
11:16:55,421 INFO Configuration:857 - processing association property references
11:16:55,468 INFO Configuration:884 - processing foreign key constraints
11:16:58,218 INFO Dialect:89 - Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect
11:16:58,703 INFO SettingsFactory:90 - Default batch fetch size: 1
11:16:58,765 INFO SettingsFactory:94 - Generate SQL with comments: disabled
11:16:58,859 INFO SettingsFactory:98 - Order SQL updates by primary key: disabled
11:16:58,875 INFO SettingsFactory:273 - Query translator: org.hibernate.hql.ast.ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
11:16:59,093 INFO ASTQueryTranslatorFactory:21 - Using ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
11:16:59,171 INFO SettingsFactory:106 - Query language substitutions: {}
11:16:59,562 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:41 - Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!)
11:16:59,625 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:42 - Hibernate connection pool size: 20
11:16:59,718 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:45 - autocommit mode: false
11:16:59,890 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:80 - using driver: net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver at URL: jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost:1433/myShield;charset=GBK
11:16:59,921 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:86 - connection properties: {user=sa, password=****, pool.size=30}
11:17:03,453 INFO SettingsFactory:148 - JDBC batch size: 30
11:17:03,500 INFO SettingsFactory:151 - JDBC batch updates for versioned data: disabled
11:17:03,593 INFO SettingsFactory:156 - Scrollable result sets: enabled
11:17:03,625 INFO SettingsFactory:164 - JDBC3 getGeneratedKeys(): enabled
11:17:03,687 INFO SettingsFactory:168 - JDBC result set fetch size: 50
11:17:03,812 INFO TransactionFactoryFactory:31 - Using default transaction strategy (direct JDBC transactions)
11:17:03,984 INFO TransactionManagerLookupFactory:33 - No TransactionManagerLookup configured (in JTA environment, use of read-write or transactional second-level cache is not recommended)
11:17:04,062 INFO SettingsFactory:176 - Automatic flush during beforeCompletion(): disabled
11:17:04,125 INFO SettingsFactory:179 - Automatic session close at end of transaction: disabled
11:17:04,156 INFO SettingsFactory:260 - Cache provider: org.hibernate.cache.EhCacheProvider
11:17:04,359 INFO SettingsFactory:187 - Second-level cache: enabled
11:17:04,406 INFO SettingsFactory:192 - Optimize cache for minimal puts: disabled
11:17:04,437 INFO SettingsFactory:199 - Structured second-level cache entries: enabled
11:17:04,484 INFO SettingsFactory:203 - Query cache: disabled
11:17:04,531 INFO SettingsFactory:214 - Statistics: disabled
11:17:04,578 INFO SettingsFactory:218 - Deleted entity synthetic identifier rollback: disabled
11:17:04,640 INFO SettingsFactory:232 - Default entity-mode: pojo
11:17:09,500 INFO SessionFactoryImpl:140 - building session factory
11:17:09,796 WARN Configurator:126 - No configuration found. Configuring ehcache from ehcache-failsafe.xml found in the classpath: jar:file:/E:/myshield/myshield/WEB-INF/lib/ehcache-1.1.jar!/ehcache-failsafe.xml
11:17:14,109 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProvider:147 - cleaning up connection pool: jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost:1433/myShield;charset=GBK
Is there anybody who know about this?why it give me so infomation like :cleaning up connection pool?please help me,Thanks!