[b]Hibernate version:[2.1]
[b]Full stack trace of any exception that occurs:[/bC:\hibernate-2.1>set JDBC_DRIVER=C:\mysql\mysql-connector-java-3.0.8-stable-bin.jar
C:\hibernate-2.1>java -cp "lib/ant-1.5.3.jar;lib/ant-optional-1.5.3.jar;lib/junit-3.8.1.jar;lib/xerces-2.4
.0.jar;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0/lib/tools.jar" org.apache.tools.ant.Main -Ddriver.jar=C:\mysql\mysql
Buildfile: build.xml
[taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource clovertasks. It could not be found.
[echo] Build Hibernate-2.1 (2005-01-11 04:04:44)
[javac] Compiling 486 source files to C:\hibernate-2.1\build\classes
[javac] C:\hibernate-2.1\src\net\sf\hibernate\cfg\Configuration.java:388: as of release 1.5, 'enum' is
a keyword, and may not be used as an identifier
[javac] (try -source 1.4 or lower to use 'enum' as an identifier)
[javac] Enumeration enum = jarFile.entries();
im getting a load more of these errors associated with the " 'enum' as an identifier"
[b]Name and version of the database you are using:[/MySQL 1.4]
i ran the build file a few times and made sure that the relivant files were in the locations specified above. i keep getting the above errors. is this a problem with my java version (1.5) ?
cheers for the help