Having a nightmare (understatement) getting a query to work guys. A POF object has a list collection lineItems. I have written a search function that allows a user to search across POF detail or LineItem detail. Depending on what they add into their form, I gradually build up a HQL string. In addition I have to paginate.
I now how a count working on whatever permutation they enter, having used a count(distinct p) from POF type query. This allows me to know the total possible to divide by a results-per-page-fetch size.
The main query is a real ball ache. I am getting non-distinct rows back. Hibernate in Action says I cannot expect an eager fetch to return distinct rows. Fine, I understand that, and if I were not paginating it would not be a problem. However, because I need to call a query.setMaxResults and query.setFirstRow, what happens is that the first 2 rows are the same POF and I get duplicates on my result set. I have tried both select clause and normal HQL and everything is duplicating. I cannot use a Set either to prevent this because then on a 2-per-page for example, because the first 2 rows are duplicates from the query, only 1 row gets into the set. That;s because the Set workaround is post-query. Hibernate would need to go back for another query to fill the set to the fetch size I need.
Hope this makes sense .. essentially I need to get rid of duplicates in a simple query like this ...
from POF p left outer join fetch p.lineItems
I have also tried
from POF p left outer join fetch p.lineItems li where li in elements(p.lineItems)
Hibernate version:
Mapping documents:
On request. Essentially a POF has LineItem collection.
Code between sessionFactory.openSession() and session.close():
Query query = session.createQuery(hql);
// (firstResult - 1) * fetchSize=5
if (firstResult > -1) {
query.setFirstResult((firstResult - 1) * IPOF.FIND_FETCH_PER_PAGE.intValue());
return query.list();
Full stack trace of any exception that occurs:
Name and version of the database you are using:
SQL Server 2K
The generated SQL (show_sql=true):
select top 2 pof0_.pof_id as pof_id0_, lineitems1_.line_item_id as line_ite1_1_, pof0_.created as created0_, pof0_.status as status0_, pof0_.reference as reference0_, pof0_.external_id as external5_0_, pof0_.invoice_received as invoice_6_0_, pof0_.originator as originator0_, pof0_.originator_full_name as originat8_0_, pof0_.originator_email as originat9_0_, pof0_.department as department0_, pof0_.department_code as departm11_0_, pof0_.currency_code as currenc12_0_, pof0_.tax_rate as tax_rate0_, pof0_.authoriser as authoriser0_, pof0_.authoriser_full_name as authori15_0_, pof0_.authoriser_email as authori16_0_, pof0_.applies_to as applies_to0_, pof0_.net_cost as net_cost0_, pof0_.discount_cost as discoun19_0_, pof0_.carriage_cost as carriag20_0_, pof0_.tax_cost as tax_cost0_, pof0_.gross_cost as gross_cost0_, pof0_.notes as notes0_, pof0_.supplier_id as supplie24_0_, pof0_.delivery_address_id as deliver25_0_, lineitems1_.code as code1_, lineitems1_.description as descript3_1_, lineitems1_.fn as fn1_, lineitems1_.quantity as quantity1_, lineitems1_.unit_price as unit_price1_, lineitems1_.tax_type as tax_type1_, lineitems1_.net_cost as net_cost1_, lineitems1_.notes as notes1_, lineitems1_.pof_id as pof_id1_, lineitems1_.index_col as index_col1_, lineitems1_.line_item_id as line_ite1___, lineitems1_.pof_id as pof_id__, lineitems1_.index_col as index_col__ from dbPOF.dbo.tbl_POFs pof0_ left outer join dbPOF.dbo.tbl_LineItems lineitems1_ on pof0_.pof_id=lineitems1_.pof_id where (lineitems1_.line_item_id in(select lineitems2_.line_item_id from dbPOF.dbo.tbl_LineItems lineitems2_ where pof0_.pof_id=lineitems2_.pof_id))
Debug level Hibernate log excerpt: