The generated DDL can't drop the tables because of the foreign keys.
I think the
alter table TILE drop constraint FK274AAE90C0136F;
comand should be:
alter table TILE drop foreign key FK274AAE90C0136F;
It works manually anyway.
I tried changing the order of my mapping files, in the hibernate.cfg.xml, in an attemp to drop them in a different order but the order stayed the same.
Thanks in advance for any ideas.
Hibernate version:2.1
Name and version of the database you are using:MySQL 4.0.21
The generated SQL (show_sql=true):
alter table TILE drop constraint FK274AAE90C0136F;
alter table ENZYMATIC_CYCLE drop constraint FK23DB13F9DC6CFC4C;
alter table BASE drop constraint FK1EFED13EC385C;
drop table if exists RUN;
drop table if exists TILE;
drop table if exists ENZYMATIC_CYCLE;
drop table if exists BASE;