Thanks for the quick reply; I appreciate your time/help.
I have a few more questions, though:
1) Why have one tool in core, and the others in a separate download? hibernate-tools.jar is only ~122k, which is so small; it would be really nice if everything was available in one jar. I'm guessing it's for a separation between runtime code + runtime tools, and non-runtime tools - but the separate tools are so small why does it matter to separate them? Does anyone else agree with me?
2) Is there an ETA for the other tools to catch up to 3.0? I just want to figure it into my shedule for when I can hope to start using them.
3) Maven wants a jar file and a POM (Project Object Model - project.xml file), though all that is really required is the jar file. Since 3.0alpha is already up on Maven@ibiblio (their public repository), somebody must have been responsible for contributing it ( ). Here's the Maven contribution page:
Thanks again,