first - thank u for your quick answer -
i kinda got it together....
just making sure now, i deployed the .har
with the hibernate-service.xml
the hbm.xml's and the classes.
and i got the mbean -
added the :
<container-configuration extends="Standard Stateless SessionBean">
<container-name>Hibernate Stateless SessionBean</container-name>......
.......ejb interceptors stuff
to the standartjboss
and used initialContext like :
SessionFactory factory;
Context ctx = new InitialContext();
factory = (SessionFactory)ctx.lookup("java:/hibernate/SessionFactory");
Session sess = factory.openSession();
User user= new User();
sess.close(); worked!! my question is if im doing it right ?
and if i want to deploy another app - can i just add the mappings to the har
and redeploy it ? or its better to deploy a new one with another hiber-svc.xml ?