Hibernate version:2.1
Database version:MySQL
Does anyone know what happens with MySQL and hibernate?
I just execute a simple query over my MySQL database and there are indices in one of the tables(for foreign keys). After executing my code, all indices in my database tables are duplicated!!! The only "thing" that connects to my database is Hibernate and the code is just:
empresaSession = test.factoryEmpresa.openSession();
geoxSession = test.factoryGeox.openSession();
tx = empresaSession.beginTransaction();
/* empresaTablesNames is an enumeration with strings */
/* stringshandler returns just a "from ..." */
/* ObjectsTWO is a hashtable */
while (empresaTablesNames.hasMoreElements()) {
String empresaClass = (String)(empresaTablesNames.nextElement());
String query = stringsHandler.getSelectFrom(empresaClass);
ObjectsTWO.put(empresaClass, empresaSession.find(query));
Thanks and kind regards,