bertrand wrote:
My two cents... (not tested ;) - why don't you just do:
Bertrand, you'll have to show me what you mean; I tried 2 or 3 variations of query.uniqueResult() and couldn't get it to work.
This has been on my mind because I'm trying to get my head around what Hibernate is all about. Coming from a database world and learning Java, it's been great to be able to manipulate data with Java idioms, but I still want to revert to database and sql at times. I set up an Oracle8i table with basically a number ID and a varchar2 description.
First I wondered if doing the deletes from Hibernate using a session.delete(Object) would be waaaay slower than using sql. I inserted 10000 rows into the table and ran a sql delete. The delete consistantly takes about 10 seconds. Then I iterated over the objects and deleted them one at time and it took over a minute:
Transaction t = session.beginTransaction();
Iterator masterIterator = session.iterate("from MasterTable as m where m.masterId >= 5");
while (masterIterator.hasNext()) {
But here's the interesting part: I then created and deleted the rows in one session so that the objects would still be cached. The delete time dropped to about 14 seconds:
Code:"before create in makeThenDelete");
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction t = session.beginTransaction();
for (int i=5; i<=10005; i++) {
MasterTable m = new MasterTable();
m.setMasterId(new BigDecimal(i));
m.setMasterDescription("Master Record" + i);;
t.commit();"after create in makeThenDelete");
// now delete them
session.delete("from MasterTable as m where m.masterId >= 5");
session.close();"after delete in makeThenDelete");
Then I tried doing a session.delete(String) with a hard coded string, again in the same session. Now were down to 11 or 12 seconds:
Code:"before create in makeThenDeleteWithSql");
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Transaction t = session.beginTransaction();
for (int i=5; i<=10005; i++) {
MasterTable m = new MasterTable();
m.setMasterId(new BigDecimal(i));
m.setMasterDescription("Master Record" + i);;
t.commit();"after create in makeThenDeleteWithSql");
Query q = session.createSQLQuery("delete from master_table {masterTable} where {masterTable}.master_id >=5", "masterTable", MasterTable.class );
// now delete them
t.commit();"after delete in makeThenDeleteWithSql");
So, I guess what I'm saying that Hibernate would do a pretty good job unless you're talking about large batch type operations that DBA's or integrators encounter.
Back to your question. I can really see a use for a delete using a named query. I started playing around with it and well, I don't know if this is overkill, but what about the following:
First I wrote a method like this:
private Type [] toTypeArray(Object [] object) {
Type [] type = new Type[object.length];
for (int i=0; i<object.length; i++) {
type[i] = (Type)object[i];
return type;
With this handy method in hand I can then do something like:
List params = new ArrayList();
List types = new ArrayList();
Query q = session.createQuery("from MasterTable as m where m.masterId >= :masterId");
q.setParameter("masterId", new Integer(50), Hibernate.INTEGER);
// populate my lists when I set the parameters
params.add(new Integer(50));
session.delete(q.getQueryString(), params.toArray(), toTypeArray(types.toArray()));
What do you think? Just for reference this method took 13-16 seconds to delete 10,000 rows.