I started using Middlegen yesterday and encountered two little problems.
(My dbase is Postgresql.)
First problem is with sequences.
Postgresql is case-sensitive about its objects, so i have to define my sequnce WAP_DOWNLOAD_LINK_ID_seq like:
<generator class="sequence">
<param name="sequence">"WAP_DOWNLOAD_LINK_ID_seq"</param>
(notice " around sequence name)
but how to get it done with Middlegen? I can set correct sequnce (surrounded by ") in GUI, but thats painful in every generation.
Second problem is somewhat similar:
In order to not upset Postgres i have to map field names in case-sensitive manner like
<property name="linkUid" type="string" column="`LINK_UID`"/>
and it works.
But how can i surround field names with ` using Middlegen?
Hope someone can help,