maybe google will give you a faster response or a sqlserver forum...
does this help:
Version supported: 2000, but creating a dialect for version 7 should be easy. jTDS: also used with Sybase. Use some driver other than Microsoft's own! If you use the MS JDBC driver, these are the issues you will face: Blobs and Clobs are not supported. Problems with Dates: MSSQL when you search for dates wants to search by seconds and milliseconds. When you convert a SQL date to a Java Timestamp object, and then back again, you seem to lose the milliseconds. The seconds match, but not the milliseconds. So don't use date's as part of a composite key/primary key. Reportedly, the Microsoft JDBC driver is quite slow, you have to add sendStringParametersAsUnicode=false to JDBC URL to increase performance. You must always use selectMethod=cursor. You may get a "Reread" error when reading tables with NVARCHAR or Images. You can solve that issue by proxying the MS JDBC Driver: MSJdbcProxy. Microsoft SQL Server does actually not ship with a JDBC driver. Various third party drivers are available, some (but not all) of which do work. If you are using triggers, Hibernate will get confused when the first result returned by a statement is "0" (in jTDS, use the parameter lastUpdateCount=true in the driver). The following drivers are known to work: JSQL, JTurbo, Weblogic jDriver - it is quite likely that you will be able to use either of the following two drivers (which actually appear to be the same driver) successfully: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC SP1 and DataDirect Connect for JDBC ( There are some weird date-handling issues with these drivers, so they are not officially supported. Don't bother with the DataDirect SequeLink driver; it has very serious problems. We have had great luck (not a single issue) with the inet drivers ( but they are relatively expensive.