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 Post subject: another idle in transaction question
PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 8:54 am 

Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2004 1:58 am
Posts: 13
Location: Melbourne, Australia
hibernate version: Hibernate 2.1.2
database: PostgreSQL 7.4.3 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 3.3.3 (Debian 20040422)

I (think) I am having problems with transactions staying open. I want to verify that it is a problem. The symptom is that I start up my program (which runs in a servlet container) and there is always (at least) one "idle in transaction" process per SessionFactory. This may be acceptable, but I want to find out. I have questions throughout the code...

Here is a snippet from the test program I have written:

        // just the classes I want to use
        Class[] classes = {

        // load some boring properties file - see properties file later on in the message
        Properties config = new Properties();
        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream( new File( "../build/properties/resource-hibernate.properties") );
        config.load( fis );

        Class.forName( "org.postgresql.Driver" );
        Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
        cfg.setProperties( config );

        for( int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++ )
            cfg.addClass( classes[i] );
        SessionFactory fact = cfg.buildSessionFactory();

        log.debug("sessoin factory created");

        // I have these sleeps in here so I can check the running processes and capture the logs...

when I look at the database logs I see this
LOG:  connection received: host= port=4129
LOG:  connection authorized: user=postgres database=mydb
LOG:  statement: set datestyle to 'ISO'; select version(), case when pg_encoding_to_char(1) = 'SQL_ASCII' then 'UNKNOWN' else
getdatabaseencoding() end;
LOG:  statement: set client_encoding = 'UNICODE'
LOG:  statement: begin;

notice the "begin;" statement - this is starting a transaction. This means that just by creating a SessionFactory I have a transaction created. Is this correct or just some weird PostgreSQL thing?

continuing with the code
        Session session = fact.openSession();
        Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
        log.debug( "autocomit is : " + session.connection().getAutoCommit() ); // returns "false"
        log.debug("transaction started");

The tx.commit() causes the previous transaction to be finished, but immediately opens a new transaction
LOG:  statement: commit;begin;


if I do a "ps aux | grep postgres" I can still see that there is a postgres transaction that is "idle in transaction"

        log.debug( "is the session still connected? : " + session.isConnected() );

Again, if I do a "ps aux | grep postgres" the "idle in transaction" message has gone, BUT there has been no command executed on the database. This means that the "begin;" that was executed earlier didn't have a corresponding "commit;" added to it, but (I assume) the socket connection to the db is closed. Is this ok?

        // again, just so I can stuff around at the OS level and see what is happening.
        Thread.sleep( 10000 );

my properties file that I load in
hibernate.dialect                  = net.sf.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect
hibernate.generated.forced         = true
hibernate.show_sql                 = false
hibernate.connection.driver_class  = org.postgresql.Driver
hibernate.connection.url           = jdbc:postgresql://
hibernate.connection.username      = postgres
hibernate.connection.password      = NONE_OF_YOUR_BUSINESS
database.jar                       = C:/programming/java/persistence/postgres/pg
database.name                      = mydb

Any feedback on what is going on, to help my understanding of the issues, would be appreciated.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 10:39 am 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2003 3:00 pm
Posts: 1816
Location: Austin, TX
Are you *sure* you do not have auto-commit enabled? That looks exactly like auto-commit behaviour (on most databases anyway; I'm not familiar with Postgresql).

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 10:53 am 

Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2004 1:58 am
Posts: 13
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Steve, thanks for you very prompt reply.

I'm including the full details since there seems to be either (a) an issue with hibernate; or (b) more likely - an issue with my config.

I definately haven't changed the defaults. Here is my crappy JUnit test method in full...

    public void testMaintaintingConnection() throws IOException, HibernateException, InterruptedException, SQLException, ClassNotFoundException
        Class[] classes = {

        Properties config = new Properties();
        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream( new File( "../build/properties/resource-hibernate.properties" ) );
        config.load( fis );

        Class.forName( "org.postgresql.Driver" );
        Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
        cfg.setProperties( config );

        for( int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++ )
            cfg.addClass( classes[i] );
        SessionFactory fact = cfg.buildSessionFactory();

        log.debug( "sessoin factory created" );
        Thread.sleep( 10000 );
        Session session = fact.openSession();
        Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
        log.debug( "autocomit is : " + session.connection().getAutoCommit() );
        log.debug( "transactionstarted" );
        Thread.sleep( 10000 );
        log.debug( "commit" );
        Thread.sleep( 2000 );
        log.debug( "close" );
        Thread.sleep( 2000 );
        log.debug( "done" );
        Thread.sleep( 10000 );
        log.debug( "is the session still connected? : " + session.isConnected() );
        Thread.sleep( 10000 );

And here is my log4j output...
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Environment:462  - Hibernate 2.1.2
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Environment:496  - loaded properties from resource hibernate.properties: {database.name=mapping, hibernate.connection.driver_class=org.postgresql.Driver, hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer=true, hibernate.dialect=net.sf.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect, database.jar=C:/programming/java/persistence/postgres/pg74.213.jdbc3.jar, hibernate.connection.username=postgres, hibernate.connection.url=jdbc:postgresql://, hibernate.generated.forced=true, hibernate.show_sql=false, hibernate.connection.password=HEY_DONT_LOOK_AT_THIS!!}
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Environment:519  - using CGLIB reflection optimizer
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration:329  - Mapping resource: com/stateofflux/cms/datatype/StandardResource.hbm.xml
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Binder:229  - Mapping class: com.stateofflux.cms.datatype.StandardResource -> RESOURCE
[main] WARN  net.sf.hibernate.type.CustomType:49  - custom type does not implement Serializable: class com.stateofflux.cms.hibernate.PublishedLevelTypeEnum
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Binder:547  - Mapping collection: com.stateofflux.cms.datatype.StandardResource.authorContributions -> RESOURCE_AUTHOR_CONTRIBUTION
[main] WARN  net.sf.hibernate.type.CustomType:49  - custom type does not implement Serializable: class com.stateofflux.cms.hibernate.ResourceTypeEnum
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Binder:200  - Mapping joined-subclass: com.stateofflux.cms.datatype.BlobResource -> BLOB_RESOURCE
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Binder:200  - Mapping joined-subclass: com.stateofflux.cms.datatype.ImageResource -> IMAGE_RESOURCE
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Binder:200  - Mapping joined-subclass: com.stateofflux.cms.datatype.StreetArt -> STREET_ART
[main] WARN  net.sf.hibernate.type.CustomType:49  - custom type does not implement Serializable: class com.stateofflux.cms.hibernate.StreetArtTypeEnum
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration:329  - Mapping resource: com/stateofflux/cms/datatype/Author.hbm.xml
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Binder:229  - Mapping class: com.stateofflux.cms.datatype.Author -> AUTHOR
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Binder:547  - Mapping collection: com.stateofflux.cms.datatype.Author.resourceContribution -> RESOURCE_AUTHOR_CONTRIBUTION
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration:329  - Mapping resource: com/stateofflux/cms/datatype/Group.hbm.xml
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Binder:229  - Mapping class: com.stateofflux.cms.datatype.Group -> APP_GROUP
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration:329  - Mapping resource: com/stateofflux/cms/datatype/User.hbm.xml
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Binder:229  - Mapping class: com.stateofflux.cms.datatype.User -> APP_USER
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Binder:547  - Mapping collection: com.stateofflux.cms.datatype.User.groups -> APP_USER_GROUP
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Binder:200  - Mapping joined-subclass: com.stateofflux.cms.datatype.StreetArtUser -> STREET_ART_USER
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration:329  - Mapping resource: com/stateofflux/cms/datatype/PhysicalLocation.hbm.xml
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Binder:229  - Mapping class: com.stateofflux.cms.datatype.PhysicalLocation -> PHYSICAL_LOCATION
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration:329  - Mapping resource: com/stateofflux/cms/datatype/Contribution.hbm.xml
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Binder:229  - Mapping class: com.stateofflux.cms.datatype.Contribution -> CONTRIBUTION
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration:595  - processing one-to-many association mappings
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper:160  - reflection optimizer disabled for: com.stateofflux.cms.datatype.AuthorContribution, IllegalArgumentException: Cannot find matching method/constructor
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper:160  - reflection optimizer disabled for: com.stateofflux.cms.datatype.ResourceContribution, IllegalArgumentException: Cannot find matching method/constructor
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration:604  - processing one-to-one association property references
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration:629  - processing foreign key constraints
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.dialect.Dialect:82  - Using dialect: net.sf.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory:62  - Use outer join fetching: true
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.connection.DriverManagerConnectionProvider:41  - Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!)
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.connection.DriverManagerConnectionProvider:42  - Hibernate connection pool size: 20
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.connection.DriverManagerConnectionProvider:71  - using driver: org.postgresql.Driver at URL: jdbc:postgresql://
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.connection.DriverManagerConnectionProvider:72  - connection properties: {user=postgres, password=HEY_DONT_LOOK_AT_THIS!!}
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.transaction.TransactionManagerLookupFactory:33  - No TransactionManagerLookup configured (in JTA environment, use of process level read-write cache is not recommended)
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory:102  - Use scrollable result sets: true
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory:105  - Use JDBC3 getGeneratedKeys(): false
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory:108  - Optimize cache for minimal puts: false
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory:117  - Query language substitutions: {}
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.SettingsFactory:128  - cache provider: net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.Provider
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration:1080  - instantiating and configuring caches
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl:119  - building session factory
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper:160  - reflection optimizer disabled for: com.stateofflux.cms.datatype.ImageResource, IllegalArgumentException: Cannot find matching method/constructor
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper:160  - reflection optimizer disabled for: com.stateofflux.cms.datatype.StreetArt, BulkBeanException: Cannot find specified property (property setThumbnail)
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper:160  - reflection optimizer disabled for: com.stateofflux.cms.datatype.StandardResource, IllegalArgumentException: Cannot find matching method/constructor
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper:160  - reflection optimizer disabled for: com.stateofflux.cms.datatype.Group, IllegalArgumentException: Cannot find matching method/constructor
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper:160  - reflection optimizer disabled for: com.stateofflux.cms.datatype.StreetArtUser, IllegalArgumentException: Cannot find matching method/constructor
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper:160  - reflection optimizer disabled for: com.stateofflux.cms.datatype.PhysicalLocation, IllegalArgumentException: Cannot find matching method/constructor
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper:160  - reflection optimizer disabled for: com.stateofflux.cms.datatype.User, IllegalArgumentException: Cannot find matching method/constructor
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper:160  - reflection optimizer disabled for: com.stateofflux.cms.datatype.Author, IllegalArgumentException: Cannot find matching method/constructor
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper:160  - reflection optimizer disabled for: com.stateofflux.cms.datatype.Contribution, IllegalArgumentException: Cannot find matching method/constructor
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.util.ReflectHelper:160  - reflection optimizer disabled for: com.stateofflux.cms.datatype.BlobResource, IllegalArgumentException: Cannot find matching method/constructor
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryObjectFactory:82  - no JNDI name configured
[main] DEBUG com.stateofflux.HibernateConnection:55  - sessoin factory created
[main] DEBUG com.stateofflux.HibernateConnection:59  - autocomit is : false
[main] DEBUG com.stateofflux.HibernateConnection:60  - transactionstarted
[main] DEBUG com.stateofflux.HibernateConnection:63  - commit
[main] DEBUG com.stateofflux.HibernateConnection:66  - close
[main] DEBUG com.stateofflux.HibernateConnection:68  - done
[main] DEBUG com.stateofflux.HibernateConnection:70  - is the session still connected? : false
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl:531  - closing
[main] INFO  net.sf.hibernate.connection.DriverManagerConnectionProvider:137  - cleaning up connection pool: jdbc:postgresql://

Any ideas?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 10:54 am 

Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2004 1:58 am
Posts: 13
Location: Melbourne, Australia
notice the "autocomit is : false" line near the bottom

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 1:17 pm 
CGLIB Developer
CGLIB Developer

Joined: Thu Aug 28, 2003 1:44 pm
Posts: 1217
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
You do not have any problem, It must work this way . There is no "begin" in JDBC so Driver must send this command after any transaction to begin a new one.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 8:05 pm 

Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2004 1:58 am
Posts: 13
Location: Melbourne, Australia
I've been trawling the postgresql mailing lists and I've come across these:

Basically this is a postgres jdbc driver problem and it is fixed in the cvs version of the 7.5 branch.

http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-ge ... g01157.php
http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-jd ... g00018.php
http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-ha ... g00269.php
http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-jd ... g00162.php

I'll test it then provide some info.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 3:26 am 

Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2004 1:58 am
Posts: 13
Location: Melbourne, Australia
I have the feeling that the JDBC driver is just not ready for production use. Please let me know if there is a problem with the test code here.

I am also using C3P0 (in this test)

This is what I am seeing

        Class[] classes = {

        Properties config = new Properties();
        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream( new File( "../build/properties/resource-hibernate.properties" ) );
        config.load( fis );

        Class.forName( "org.postgresql.Driver" );
        Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
        cfg.setProperties( config );

        for( int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++ )
            cfg.addClass( classes[i] );
        SessionFactory fact = cfg.buildSessionFactory();

// output:
// Aug 4 16:24:53 sof postgres[6703]: [2-1] LOG: connection received: host= port=2165
// Aug 4 16:24:53 sof postgres[6703]: [3-1] LOG: connection authorized: user=postgres database=mydb
// Aug 4 16:24:53 sof postgres[6703]: [4-1] LOG: statement: set datestyle to 'ISO'; select version(), case when pg_encoding_to_char(1) = 'SQL_ASCII' then 'UNKNOWN' else
// Aug 4 16:24:53 sof postgres[6703]: [4-2] getdatabaseencoding() end;
// Aug 4 16:24:53 sof postgres[6703]: [5-1] LOG: statement: set client_encoding = 'UNICODE'
// Aug 4 16:24:53 sof postgres[6703]: [6-1] LOG: statement: begin;
// Aug 4 16:24:53 sof postgres[6703]: [7-1] LOG: statement: rollback; begin;
// Aug 4 16:24:53 sof postgres[6703]: [8-1] LOG: statement: end

        log.debug( "sessoin factory created" );
        Thread.sleep( 10000 );
        Session session = fact.openSession();
        Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();

// output
// Aug 4 16:26:20 sof postgres[6703]: [9-1] LOG: statement: begin;

        log.debug( "autocomit is : " + session.connection().getAutoCommit() );
        log.debug( "transactionstarted" );
        Thread.sleep( 10000 );

// output
// Aug 4 16:27:30 sof postgres[6703]: [10-1] LOG: statement: commit;begin;

        log.debug( "commit" );
        Thread.sleep( 2000 );

// output:
// Aug 4 16:28:02 sof postgres[6703]: [11-1] LOG: statement: rollback; begin;
// Aug 4 16:28:02 sof postgres[6703]: [12-1] LOG: statement: end

        log.debug( "close" );
        Thread.sleep( 2000 );
        log.debug( "done" );
        Thread.sleep( 10000 );
        log.debug( "is the session still connected? : " + session.isConnected() );

Note that the transaction or the connection isn't closed!

        Thread.sleep( 10000 );

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 3:39 am 

Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2004 1:58 am
Posts: 13
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Ignore my last post - I'm getting a bit drowned in info here. Let me clarify..

markmansour wrote:
        log.debug( "commit" );
        Thread.sleep( 2000 );

// output:
// Aug 4 16:28:02 sof postgres[6703]: [11-1] LOG: statement: rollback; begin;
// Aug 4 16:28:02 sof postgres[6703]: [12-1] LOG: statement: end

you can see the transaction being closed with the 'end' statement...

markmansour wrote:

Note that the transaction or the connection isn't closed!

        Thread.sleep( 10000 );

the loss of connections is not being logged. when I check the active processes, the connection to the db is being closed.

So, at the moment, everything looks ok. I still have issues with my application, but I now have to see if they are just MY logic errors. They joy of xwork and hibernate :)


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