thanks, am i have flush() after ever update/add/delete operation is that not the correct way.
* Get the list of all BSIF Adapter details.
* @return the list of all BSIF Adapter details
* @throws ObjectLoadException if there was a problem persisting the data
* @throws TWCSQLException If there was a problem closing the JDBC connection
public List getAllBSIFAdapter() throws ObjectLoadException,
log.trace("Entry to : getAllBSIFAdapter method.");
log.info("Getting all BSIF Adapter Configuration.");
// Create the Session
log.debug("Open Hibernate Session.");
Session hibernateSession = hibernateSessionHelper.openSession();
List globalConfig = null;
// Get all the BSIF Adapter details
log.debug("Quering the Database.");
globalConfig = hibernateSession.createQuery("select globalConfig from GlobalConfigDTO globalConfig").list();
// Close the Session and the JDBC Connection.
// hibernate. Release the connection mannually using the
// releaseConnection of the Hibernate Helper Class
log.debug("Close the JDBC Databse Connection.");
catch (HibernateException e)
throw new ObjectLoadException ("Could not get All the Global BSIF configuration details " + "(Caused by:" + e.getMessage() + ")");
catch (SQLException e)
throw new TWCSQLException("Error closing the JDBC connection while getting the list of BSIF adapters:" + "(Caused by:" + e.getMessage() + ")");
log.trace("Exit from : getAllBSIFAdapter method.");
return globalConfig;
Then above is the code to get all the records.
public long addBSIFAdapter(String jmsRequestQueue,
String jmsResponseTopic,
String jmsNotificationRequestTopic,
String jmsNotificationResponseQueue,
int jmsMessageTimeout,
int processingTimeOut,
int threadReconnectTime,
int maintenanceWindowStartTime,
int maintenanceWindowEndTime,
String maintenanceWindowTimezone)
throws ObjectCreationException, TWCSQLException
log.trace("Entry to : addBSIFAdapter method with parameter(s) " + jmsRequestQueue + "," + jmsResponseTopic + "," + jmsNotificationRequestTopic + "," + jmsNotificationResponseQueue + "," + jmsMessageTimeout + "," + processingTimeOut + "," + threadReconnectTime + "," + maintenanceWindowStartTime + "," + maintenanceWindowEndTime + "," + maintenanceWindowTimezone);
log.info("Adding a new Global BISF Adapter Configuration Details");
// Create the GlobalConfigDTO to store the Global Adapter Configuration Details
GlobalConfigDTO globalConfig = new GlobalConfigDTO();
Long instanceID = null; // The generated id for the added configuration
// Add the global Configuration information
log.debug("Initialize the globalConfig Object.");
if (!globalConfig.setJMSMessageTimeout(jmsMessageTimeout))
throw new ObjectCreationException ("Invalid value provied for the JMS Message Time out, Should be between 1 and 240");
if (!globalConfig.setProcessingTimeOut(processingTimeOut))
throw new ObjectCreationException ("Invalid value provied for the Processing Time out, Should be between 1 and 290");
if (!globalConfig.setThreadReconnectTime(threadReconnectTime))
throw new ObjectCreationException ("Invalid value provied for the Thread Reconnect Time, Should be greater than or equal to 1");
// Create the Session
log.debug("Open Hibernate Session.");
Session hibernateSession = hibernateSessionHelper.openSession();
// Persist the BSIF Adapter Configuration information
log.debug("Persist the BSIF Adapter Configuration information");
instanceID = (Long) hibernateSession.save(globalConfig);
hibernateSession.flush(); // Flush out the configuration
// Close the Session and the JDBC Connection.
log.debug("Close the JDBC Databse Connection.");
catch (HibernateException e)
throw new ObjectCreationException ("Could not save Global BSIFAdapter configuration Object: " + "(Caused by:" + e.getMessage() + ")");
catch (SQLException e)
throw new TWCSQLException("Error closing the JDBC connection while adding new BSIF Adapter Configuration" + e.getMessage());
log.trace("Exit from : addBSIFAdapter method with parameter(s) " + jmsRequestQueue + "," + jmsResponseTopic + "," + jmsNotificationRequestTopic + "," + jmsNotificationResponseQueue + "," + jmsMessageTimeout + "," + processingTimeOut + "," + threadReconnectTime + "," + maintenanceWindowStartTime + "," + maintenanceWindowEndTime + "," + maintenanceWindowTimezone);
return instanceID.longValue(); // return the generated id
now when i add a record manually the getXXX() is not getting the record added from the backend.