I am getting unexpected results from an HQL query using Hibernate 2.1.4 and MySQL 4.0.18.
I have a Status table/object (PoStatus) that has a boolean property
"validForNewUse". It is defined as follows:
* Valid for new use.
* Returns true if objects of this status may be referenced
* when creating new objects.
* @return boolean
* @hibernate.property
public boolean isValidForNewUse() {
return validForNewUse;
My table definition is:
create table PoStatus (
version INTEGER not null,
name VARCHAR(255),
primary key (id),
unique (name)
) type=InnoDB ;
I am building the query dynamically depending on user selections and role, but here are the HQL and the setBoolean I use:
querySB.append("select ch.id, ch.name"+" from PoChar ch");
querySB.append(" where ch.charType in (:charType_intrinsic, :charType_single_choice)");
querySB.append(" and ch.name != :ommitted_name");
// Only want to see Active characteristics
querySB.append(" and ch.status.validForNewUse = :validForNewUse "); // HERE IS THE CONDITION USING THE COLUMN
query = ses.createQuery(querySB.toString());
query.setString("charType_intrinsic", PoChar.TYPE_INTRINSIC);
query.setString("charType_single_choice", PoChar.TYPE_SINGLE_CHOICE);
query.setString("ommitted_name", PoChar.INTRINSIC_NAME_CLASS);
// Only want to see Active characteristics
query.setBoolean("validForNewUse", true);// HERE IS WHERE THE SETBOOLEAN IS
query.setParameterList("ownerFilterList", ownerFilterList);
List ql = query.list();
The problem is that when setting the parameters in the MySQL prepared statement, tries to set the column validForNewUse to the character string
"true" instead of a 1. I've read and read - until version 4.1 (which is not production ready yet), MySQL does not support the true keyword.
Any suggestions onhow to fix this? I've looked in the Reference guide (no setBoolean examples) and I have searched the forums for prior situations.
My log messages follow. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
- Richard
20:06:55,156 DEBUG [http8080-Processor24] QueryTranslator:199 - HQL: select ch.id, ch.name from com.ltoj.persistence.base.PoChar ch where ch.charType in (:charType_intrinsic, :charType_single_choice) and ch.name != :ommitted_name and ch.status.validForNewUse = :validForNewUse and ch.owner.id in (:ownerFilterList0_, :ownerFilterList1_, :ownerFilterList2_, :ownerFilterList3_, :ownerFilterList4_) order by ch.name
20:06:55,156 DEBUG [http8080-Processor24] QueryTranslator:200 - SQL: select pochar0_.id as x0_0_, pochar0_.name as x1_0_ from PoChar pochar0_, PoStatus postatus1_ where (pochar0_.charType in(? , ?))and(pochar0_.name!=? )and(postatus1_.validForNewUse=? and pochar0_.status=postatus1_.id)and(pochar0_.owner in(? , ? , ? , ? , ?)) order by pochar0_.name
20:06:55,156 DEBUG [http8080-Processor24] BatcherImpl:196 - about to open: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
20:06:55,171 DEBUG [http8080-Processor24] SQL:237 - select pochar0_.id as x0_0_, pochar0_.name as x1_0_ from PoChar pochar0_, PoStatus postatus1_ where (pochar0_.charType in(? , ?))and(pochar0_.name!=? )and(postatus1_.validForNewUse=? and pochar0_.status=postatus1_.id)and(pochar0_.owner in(? , ? , ? , ? , ?)) order by pochar0_.name
20:06:55,171 DEBUG [http8080-Processor24] BatcherImpl:241 - preparing statement
20:06:55,171 DEBUG [http8080-Processor24] LongType:46 - binding '31053' to parameter: 6
20:06:55,171 DEBUG [http8080-Processor24] BooleanType:46 - binding 'true' to parameter: 4
20:06:55,171 DEBUG [http8080-Processor24] LongType:46 - binding '31054' to parameter: 9
20:06:55,171 DEBUG [http8080-Processor24] LongType:46 - binding '31053' to parameter: 8
20:06:55,171 DEBUG [http8080-Processor24] LongType:46 - binding '31055' to parameter: 5
20:06:55,171 DEBUG [http8080-Processor24] LongType:46 - binding '2' to parameter: 7
20:06:55,171 DEBUG [http8080-Processor24] StringType:46 - binding 'I' to parameter: 1
20:06:55,171 DEBUG [http8080-Processor24] StringType:46 - binding 'C' to parameter: 2
20:06:55,171 DEBUG [http8080-Processor24] StringType:46 - binding 'Class' to parameter: 3
20:06:55,218 DEBUG [http8080-Processor24] Loader:197 - processing result set
20:06:55,218 DEBUG [http8080-Processor24] Loader:226 - done processing result set (0 rows)
20:06:55,218 DEBUG [http8080-Processor24] BatcherImpl:203 - done closing: 0 open PreparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
20:06:55,218 DEBUG [http8080-Processor24] BatcherImpl:261 - closing statement