christian wrote:
Man, just post a useful exception. What you have is _not_ the root cause exception.
------------ beginning stripped out see the exception on the bottom ---------------
11:49:59,914 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: activationTime -> activationTime, type: timestamp
11:49:59,914 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.service.ServiceTopology -> service_topology
11:49:59,914 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.service.ServiceTopology usage strategy: read-write
11:49:59,914 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:49:59,914 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: topologyType -> topologyType, type: com.diatem.db.device.TopologyEnum
11:49:59,929 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: sapHose -> sapHose, type: com.diatem.db.service.SAPHose
11:49:59,945 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: sapConnection, type: java.util.Set
11:49:59,945 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: aclList, type: [Lcom.diatem.db.service.ACLTraffic;
11:49:59,945 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: taggingType -> taggingType, type: com.diatem.db.service.TaggingTypeEnum
11:49:59,945 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.service.SAPHose -> sap_hose
11:49:59,945 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.service.SAPHose usage strategy: read-write
11:49:59,945 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:49:59,945 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: vlanIdNonPort -> vlanIdNonPort, type: integer
11:49:59,960 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: netConnNonPort -> netConnNonPort, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.NetworkConnection
11:49:59,976 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: endPoints, type: [Lcom.diatem.db.service.ServiceAccessPoint;
11:49:59,976 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: trafficProfileSet, type: [Lcom.diatem.db.service.HoseTrafficProfile;
11:49:59,976 INFO Binder:560 - Mapping collection: com.diatem.db.service.SAPHose.networkConnections -> networkConnections
11:49:59,992 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: networkConnections, type: java.util.Map
11:49:59,992 INFO Binder:560 - Mapping collection: com.diatem.db.service.SAPHose.cosToUse -> cosToUse
11:49:59,992 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: cosToUse, type: java.util.Map
11:49:59,992 INFO Binder:560 - Mapping collection: com.diatem.db.service.SAPHose.vlanId -> vlanId
11:49:59,992 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: vlanId, type: java.util.Map
11:49:59,992 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.service.SAPConnection -> sap_connection
11:49:59,992 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.service.SAPConnection usage strategy: read-write
11:49:59,992 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:00,007 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: aend -> aend, type: com.diatem.db.service.ServiceAccessPoint
11:50:00,007 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: zend -> zend, type: com.diatem.db.service.ServiceAccessPoint
11:50:00,007 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: trafficProfile -> trafficProfile, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.ConnectionTrafficProfile
11:50:00,007 INFO Binder:560 - Mapping collection: com.diatem.db.service.SAPConnection.networkConnections -> networkConnections
11:50:00,007 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: networkConnections, type: [Lcom.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.NetworkConnection;
11:50:00,007 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.service.SAPServiceSpecificData -> service_specific_data
11:50:00,007 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.service.SAPServiceSpecificData usage strategy: read-write
11:50:00,023 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:00,023 INFO Binder:200 - Mapping joined-subclass: com.diatem.db.service.VlanInfo -> sap_specific_vlan_info
11:50:00,023 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: useIpSubnet -> useIpSubnet, type: boolean
11:50:00,023 INFO Binder:560 - Mapping collection: com.diatem.db.service.VlanInfo.aclList -> vlaninfo_acl
11:50:00,023 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: aclList, type: [I
11:50:00,023 INFO Binder:560 - Mapping collection: com.diatem.db.service.VlanInfo.vlanInfoVlanId -> vlanInfoVlanId
11:50:00,023 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: vlanInfoVlanId, type: java.util.Map
11:50:00,039 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: intServClassification, type: [Lcom.diatem.db.service.IntServToCOS;
11:50:00,039 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: ipSubnetInfo -> sourceIPAddress_, sourceIPMask_, type: com.diatem.db.device.IPV4AddressType
11:50:00,039 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.service.ServiceAccessPoint -> service_access_point
11:50:00,039 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.service.ServiceAccessPoint usage strategy: read-write
11:50:00,039 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:00,039 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: name -> name, type: string
11:50:00,039 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: isHub -> isHub, type: boolean
11:50:00,039 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: cpeSAP -> cpeSAP, type: boolean
11:50:00,039 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: serviceSpecificData -> serviceSpecificData, type: com.diatem.db.service.SAPServiceSpecificData
11:50:00,054 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: ceInterfaceList, type: [Lcom.diatem.db.service.InterfaceAndResources;
11:50:00,054 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: peCEInterfaceList, type: [Lcom.diatem.db.service.InterfaceAndResources;
11:50:00,054 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: peCoreInterfaceList, type: [Lcom.diatem.db.service.InterfaceAndResources;
11:50:00,054 INFO Binder:560 - Mapping collection: com.diatem.db.service.ServiceAccessPoint.peCELinks -> peCELinks
11:50:00,054 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: peCELinks, type: [Lcom.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.NETopologicalLink;
11:50:00,054 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.service.InterfaceAndResources -> interface_and_resources
11:50:00,054 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.service.InterfaceAndResources usage strategy: read-write
11:50:00,054 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:00,054 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: portBased -> portBased, type: boolean
11:50:00,070 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: neInterface -> neInterface, type: com.diatem.db.device.NEInterface
11:50:00,070 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: cosEntry -> cosEntry, type: com.diatem.db.qos.COSEntry
11:50:00,070 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: specificInfo, type: java.util.Set
11:50:00,070 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.service.SpecificResources -> specific_resources
11:50:00,070 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.service.SpecificResources usage strategy: read-write
11:50:00,070 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:00,085 INFO Binder:200 - Mapping joined-subclass: com.diatem.db.service.EhternetOptions -> EhternetOptions
11:50:00,085 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: allVLANsOnIf -> allVLANsOnIf, type: boolean
11:50:00,085 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: isTagged -> isTagged, type: boolean
11:50:00,085 INFO Binder:560 - Mapping collection: com.diatem.db.service.EhternetOptions.vlanIDs -> eth_opt_vlanids
11:50:00,085 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: vlanIDs, type: [I
11:50:00,085 INFO Binder:200 - Mapping joined-subclass: com.diatem.db.service.IPV4Options -> IPV4Options
11:50:00,085 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: ipSubnet -> mgmt_address_, mgmt_mask_, type: com.diatem.db.device.IPV4AddressType
11:50:00,101 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.service.HoseTrafficProfile -> hose_traffic_profile
11:50:00,101 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.service.HoseTrafficProfile usage strategy: read-write
11:50:00,101 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:00,101 INFO Binder:560 - Mapping collection: com.diatem.db.service.HoseTrafficProfile.connTrafficProfiles -> connTrafficProfiles
11:50:00,101 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: connTrafficProfiles, type: java.util.Map
11:50:00,101 DEBUG Configuration:989 - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@1b273cc [Attribute: name resource value "com/diatem/db/service/SrvContractInfo.hbm.xml"]
11:50:00,101 INFO Configuration:328 - Mapping resource: com/diatem/db/service/SrvContractInfo.hbm.xml
11:50:00,117 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:20 - trying to locate ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath under net/sf/hibernate/
11:50:00,117 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:29 - found ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath
11:50:00,148 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.service.SrvContractInfo -> srvContractInfo
11:50:00,148 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.service.SrvContractInfo usage strategy: read-write
11:50:00,148 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:00,148 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: contractName -> contractName, type: string
11:50:00,164 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: contractNr -> contractNr, type: integer
11:50:00,164 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: description -> description, type: string
11:50:00,164 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: srvRequestList, type: java.util.Set
11:50:00,164 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: serviceList, type: java.util.Set
11:50:00,164 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: customer -> customer, type: com.diatem.db.device.NetPortalCustomer
11:50:00,164 DEBUG Configuration:989 - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@14d1d41 [Attribute: name resource value "com/diatem/db/service/ACLTraffic.hbm.xml"]
11:50:00,164 INFO Configuration:328 - Mapping resource: com/diatem/db/service/ACLTraffic.hbm.xml
11:50:00,179 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:20 - trying to locate ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath under net/sf/hibernate/
11:50:00,179 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:29 - found ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath
11:50:00,195 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.service.ACLTraffic -> aclTraffic
11:50:00,195 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.service.ACLTraffic usage strategy: read-write
11:50:00,195 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:00,195 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: aclAction -> aclAction, type: com.diatem.db.service.ACLActionEnum
11:50:00,195 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: trafficFilterEntry -> trafficFilterEntry, type: com.diatem.db.service.TrafficFilterEntry
11:50:00,195 DEBUG Configuration:989 - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@14df764 [Attribute: name resource value "com/diatem/db/service/IntServToCOS.hbm.xml"]
11:50:00,195 INFO Configuration:328 - Mapping resource: com/diatem/db/service/IntServToCOS.hbm.xml
11:50:00,210 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:20 - trying to locate ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath under net/sf/hibernate/
11:50:00,226 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:29 - found ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath
11:50:00,226 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.service.IntServToCOS -> intServToCos
11:50:00,226 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.service.IntServToCOS usage strategy: read-write
11:50:00,226 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:00,226 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: cosEntry -> cosEntry, type: com.diatem.db.qos.COSEntry
11:50:00,226 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: trafficFilterEntry -> trafficFilterEntry, type: com.diatem.db.service.TrafficFilterEntry
11:50:00,242 DEBUG Configuration:989 - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@15dd910 [Attribute: name resource value "com/diatem/db/service/TrafficFilterEntry.hbm.xml"]
11:50:00,242 INFO Configuration:328 - Mapping resource: com/diatem/db/service/TrafficFilterEntry.hbm.xml
11:50:00,242 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:20 - trying to locate ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath under net/sf/hibernate/
11:50:00,242 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:29 - found ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath
11:50:00,257 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.service.TrafficFilterEntry -> trafficfilter
11:50:00,257 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.service.TrafficFilterEntry usage strategy: read-write
11:50:00,257 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:00,257 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: classifier -> classifier, type: com.diatem.db.qos.trafficclassification.user.UserIntServClassification
11:50:00,257 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: appliedPort -> appliedPort, type: com.diatem.db.device.NEInterface
11:50:00,257 DEBUG Configuration:989 - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@8de462 [Attribute: name resource value "com/diatem/db/service/ModificationLog.hbm.xml"]
11:50:00,257 INFO Configuration:328 - Mapping resource: com/diatem/db/service/ModificationLog.hbm.xml
11:50:00,273 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:20 - trying to locate ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath under net/sf/hibernate/
11:50:00,273 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:29 - found ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath
11:50:00,289 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.service.ModificationLog -> modificationLog
11:50:00,289 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.service.ModificationLog usage strategy: read-write
11:50:00,289 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:00,304 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: modifications, type: java.util.Map
11:50:00,304 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.service.Modification -> modification
11:50:00,304 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.service.Modification usage strategy: read-write
11:50:00,304 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:00,304 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: name -> name, type: string
11:50:00,320 INFO Binder:200 - Mapping joined-subclass: com.diatem.db.service.ComplexModification -> ComplexModification
11:50:00,320 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: modificationLog -> modificationLog, type: com.diatem.db.service.ModificationLog
11:50:00,335 INFO Binder:200 - Mapping joined-subclass: com.diatem.db.service.CollectionModification -> CollectionModification
11:50:00,335 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: modificationType -> modificationType, type: com.diatem.db.service.ModificationTypeEnum
11:50:00,335 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: valueId -> valueId, type: long
11:50:00,351 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: modificationLog -> modificationLog, type: com.diatem.db.service.ModificationLog
11:50:00,351 DEBUG Configuration:989 - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@12789d2 [Attribute: name resource value "com/diatem/db/beans/DomainPnniData.hbm.xml"]
11:50:00,351 INFO Configuration:328 - Mapping resource: com/diatem/db/beans/DomainPnniData.hbm.xml
11:50:00,367 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:20 - trying to locate ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath under net/sf/hibernate/
11:50:00,367 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:29 - found ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath
11:50:00,398 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.beans.DomainPnniData -> domain_pnni_data
11:50:00,398 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.beans.DomainPnniData usage strategy: read-write
11:50:00,398 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:00,398 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: domainPnniLevelData, type: java.util.Set
11:50:00,398 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: helloDownInterval -> helloDownInterval, type: com.diatem.db.qos.valuewithunits.TimeInterval
11:50:00,414 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: helloInterval -> helloInterval, type: com.diatem.db.qos.valuewithunits.TimeInterval
11:50:00,414 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: helloInactivityFactor -> helloInactivityFactor, type: com.diatem.db.qos.valuewithunits.TimeInterval
11:50:00,414 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: pstePacketInterval -> pstePacketInterval, type: com.diatem.db.qos.valuewithunits.TimeInterval
11:50:00,414 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: pstePacketValidityInterval -> pstePacketValidityInterval, type: com.diatem.db.qos.valuewithunits.TimeInterval
11:50:00,414 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: pstePacketTimer -> pstePacketTimer, type: com.diatem.db.qos.valuewithunits.TimeInterval
11:50:00,414 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: durationBetweenRetrans -> durationBetweenRetrans, type: com.diatem.db.qos.valuewithunits.TimeInterval
11:50:00,414 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: minRetransTime -> minRetransTime, type: com.diatem.db.qos.valuewithunits.TimeInterval
11:50:00,414 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: nodeThrAvCrMt -> nodeThrAvCrMt, type: integer
11:50:00,414 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: nodeThrCrPm -> nodeThrCrPm, type: integer
11:50:00,414 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: linkThrAvCrMt -> linkThrAvCrMt, type: integer
11:50:00,429 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: linThrCrPm -> linThrCrPm, type: integer
11:50:00,429 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: localConnectionrecovery -> localConnectionrecovery, type: boolean
11:50:00,429 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: intraDomainRecoveryLevel -> intraDomainRecoveryLevel, type: integer
11:50:00,429 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: reroutingNonPnniIfParams -> reroutingNonPnniIfParams, type: com.diatem.db.beans.AtmReroutingParams
11:50:00,429 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: reroutingPnniIfParams -> reroutingPnniIfParams, type: com.diatem.db.beans.AtmReroutingParams
11:50:00,429 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: cbrLoadBalancing -> cbrLoadBalancing, type: com.diatem.db.beans.DomainPnniLoadBalancingPerSrvCat
11:50:00,429 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: vbrrtLoadBalancing -> vbrrtLoadBalancing, type: com.diatem.db.beans.DomainPnniLoadBalancingPerSrvCat
11:50:00,429 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: vbrnrtLoadBalancing -> vbrnrtLoadBalancing, type: com.diatem.db.beans.DomainPnniLoadBalancingPerSrvCat
11:50:00,429 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: ubrLoadBalancing -> ubrLoadBalancing, type: com.diatem.db.beans.DomainPnniLoadBalancingPerSrvCat
11:50:00,445 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: abrLoadBalancing -> abrLoadBalancing, type: com.diatem.db.beans.DomainPnniLoadBalancingPerSrvCat
11:50:00,445 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: rtCachingAgingPeriod -> rtCachingAgingPeriod, type: com.diatem.db.qos.valuewithunits.TimeInterval
11:50:00,445 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: rtCachingMaxCacheSize -> rtCachingMaxCacheSize, type: integer
11:50:00,445 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: rtCachingMaxAltRoutes -> rtCachingMaxAltRoutes, type: integer
11:50:00,445 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: rtCachingIntermediateNodePaths -> rtCachingIntermediateNodePaths, type: integer
11:50:00,445 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: neOptimizationTime, type: [Lcom.diatem.db.qos.valuewithunits.TimeInterval;
11:50:00,445 DEBUG Configuration:989 - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@13576a2 [Attribute: name resource value "com/diatem/db/beans/DomainPnniLevelData.hbm.xml"]
11:50:00,445 INFO Configuration:328 - Mapping resource: com/diatem/db/beans/DomainPnniLevelData.hbm.xml
11:50:00,460 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:20 - trying to locate ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath under net/sf/hibernate/
11:50:00,476 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:29 - found ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath
11:50:00,507 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.beans.DomainPnniLevelData -> domain_pnni_level_data
11:50:00,507 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.beans.DomainPnniLevelData usage strategy: read-write
11:50:00,507 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:00,507 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: levelNum -> levelNum, type: integer
11:50:00,507 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: cranckBack -> cranckBack, type: integer
11:50:00,507 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: pathDiversity -> pathDiversity, type: integer
11:50:00,507 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: adminWeightCBR -> adminWeightCBR, type: integer
11:50:00,507 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: adminWeightVBTRT -> adminWeightVBTRT, type: integer
11:50:00,523 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: adminWeightVBRNRT -> adminWeightVBRNRT, type: integer
11:50:00,523 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: adminWeightUBR -> adminWeightUBR, type: integer
11:50:00,523 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: adminWeightABR -> adminWeightABR, type: integer
11:50:00,523 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: horizontalLinkInactivity -> horizontalLinkInactivity, type: com.diatem.db.qos.valuewithunits.TimeInterval
11:50:00,523 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: overrideDelay -> overrideDelay, type: com.diatem.db.qos.valuewithunits.TimeInterval
11:50:00,523 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: pgIInitTime -> pgIInitTime, type: com.diatem.db.qos.valuewithunits.TimeInterval
11:50:00,523 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: reelectionInterval -> reelectionInterval, type: com.diatem.db.qos.valuewithunits.TimeInterval
11:50:00,523 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: svccCallingIntegrityTime -> svccCallingIntegrityTime, type: com.diatem.db.qos.valuewithunits.TimeInterval
11:50:00,523 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: svccEstablishmentIntegrityTime -> svccEstablishmentIntegrityTime, type: com.diatem.db.qos.valuewithunits.TimeInterval
11:50:00,523 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: svccInitTime -> svccInitTime, type: com.diatem.db.qos.valuewithunits.TimeInterval
11:50:00,539 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: svccRetryTime -> svccRetryTime, type: com.diatem.db.qos.valuewithunits.TimeInterval
11:50:00,539 DEBUG Configuration:989 - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@ff94b1 [Attribute: name resource value "com/diatem/db/beans/DomainPnniLoadBalancingPerSrvCat.hbm.xml"]
11:50:00,539 INFO Configuration:328 - Mapping resource: com/diatem/db/beans/DomainPnniLoadBalancingPerSrvCat.hbm.xml
11:50:00,554 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:20 - trying to locate ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath under net/sf/hibernate/
11:50:00,554 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:29 - found ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath
11:50:00,570 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.beans.DomainPnniLoadBalancingPerSrvCat -> domain_pnni_load_balancing
11:50:00,570 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.beans.DomainPnniLoadBalancingPerSrvCat usage strategy: read-write
11:50:00,570 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:00,570 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: maxPaths -> maxPaths, type: integer
11:50:00,570 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: adminWeightVariance -> adminWeightVariance, type: float
11:50:00,570 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: adminWeightSlope -> adminWeightSlope, type: float
11:50:00,570 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: cdvVariance -> cdvVariance, type: float
11:50:00,570 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: cdvSlope -> cdvSlope, type: float
11:50:00,570 DEBUG Configuration:989 - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@b30913 [Attribute: name resource value "com/diatem/db/beans/AtmReroutingParams.hbm.xml"]
11:50:00,570 INFO Configuration:328 - Mapping resource: com/diatem/db/beans/AtmReroutingParams.hbm.xml
11:50:00,585 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:20 - trying to locate ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath under net/sf/hibernate/
11:50:00,601 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:29 - found ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath
11:50:00,601 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.beans.AtmReroutingParams -> atm_rerouting_params
11:50:00,601 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.beans.AtmReroutingParams usage strategy: read-write
11:50:00,601 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:00,617 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: numOptAttempts -> numOptAttempts, type: integer
11:50:00,617 DEBUG Configuration:989 - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@1682598 [Attribute: name resource value "com/diatem/db/objectmodel/topologymgmt/TopologyMgmt.hbm.xml"]
11:50:00,617 INFO Configuration:328 - Mapping resource: com/diatem/db/objectmodel/topologymgmt/TopologyMgmt.hbm.xml
11:50:00,617 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:20 - trying to locate ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath under net/sf/hibernate/
11:50:00,632 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:29 - found ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath
11:50:00,679 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.BandwidthAllocation -> BandwidthAllocation
11:50:00,679 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.BandwidthAllocation usage strategy: read-write
11:50:00,679 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:00,679 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: ingressBw -> ingressBw, type: com.diatem.db.qos.valuewithunits.BandwidthValue
11:50:00,679 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: egressBw -> egressBw, type: com.diatem.db.qos.valuewithunits.BandwidthValue
11:50:00,679 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.TerminationPoint -> termination_point
11:50:00,679 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.TerminationPoint usage strategy: read-write
11:50:00,679 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:00,679 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: name -> name, type: string
11:50:00,679 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: description -> description, type: string
11:50:00,695 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: tpProtectionAssociationType -> tp_protect_assoc_type, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.TpProtectionAssociationType
11:50:00,695 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: adminStatus -> admin_status, type: com.diatem.db.device.AdminStatus
11:50:00,695 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: operationalStatus -> operational_status, type: com.diatem.db.device.OperationalStatus
11:50:00,695 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: nativeEmsNaming -> native_ems_naming, type: string
11:50:00,695 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: directionality -> directionality, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.DirectionalityType
11:50:00,695 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: atozCapacity -> atozCapacity, type: com.diatem.db.qos.valuewithunits.BandwidthValue
11:50:00,695 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: ztoaCapacity -> ztoaCapacity, type: com.diatem.db.qos.valuewithunits.BandwidthValue
11:50:00,710 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: switchData -> switch_data_id, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.SwitchData
11:50:00,710 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: topologicalLink -> topologicalLink, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.NETopologicalLink
11:50:00,710 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: deployedCOS, type: [Lcom.diatem.db.qos.COSEntry;
11:50:00,710 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: trafficProfiles, type: [Lcom.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.BandwidthAllocation;
11:50:00,710 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: allocatedProfiles, type: [Lcom.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.BandwidthAllocation;
11:50:00,710 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: connectionProfiles, type: [Lcom.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.ConnectionTrafficProfile;
11:50:00,710 INFO Binder:200 - Mapping joined-subclass: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.PhysicalTerminationPoint -> physical_termination_point
11:50:00,726 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: connectionTerminationPoints, type: java.util.Set
11:50:00,726 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: nePhysicalPort -> ne_physical_port_id, type: com.diatem.db.device.NEPhysicalPort
11:50:00,726 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: nePhysicalInterface -> ne_physical_interface_id, type: com.diatem.db.device.NEPhysicalInterface
11:50:00,726 INFO Binder:200 - Mapping joined-subclass: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.ConnectionTerminationPoint -> connection_termination_point
11:50:00,726 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: tpConnectionState -> tp_connection_state, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.TpConnectionState
11:50:00,726 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: terminationMode -> termination_mode, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.TerminationMode
11:50:00,726 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: ctpId -> ctp, type: integer
11:50:00,726 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: currentLayerNumber -> current_layer_number, type: integer
11:50:00,726 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: subnetworkConnectionAEnd -> aend_tp_id, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.SubnetworkConnection
11:50:00,726 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: subnetworkConnectionZEnd -> zend_tp_id, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.SubnetworkConnection
11:50:00,742 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: physicalTerminationPoint -> ctp_id, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.PhysicalTerminationPoint
11:50:00,742 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: intf -> ne_interface_id, type: com.diatem.db.device.NEInterface
11:50:00,742 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: connectionTrafficProfile -> connection_traffic_profile_id, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.ConnectionTrafficProfile
11:50:00,742 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: neLogicalInterfaces, type: java.util.Set
11:50:00,742 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: connectionTerminationPointSublayers, type: java.util.Set
11:50:00,757 INFO Binder:200 - Mapping joined-subclass: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.FrameRelayCtp -> topologymgmt_framerelayctp
11:50:00,757 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: dlci -> dlci, type: integer
11:50:00,757 INFO Binder:200 - Mapping joined-subclass: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.OpticalSectionCtp -> topologymgmt_opticalsection
11:50:00,757 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: wavelength -> wavelength, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.dwdm.Wavelength
11:50:00,773 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: direction -> direction, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.dwdm.Direction
11:50:00,773 INFO Binder:200 - Mapping joined-subclass: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.AtmCtp -> topologymgmt_atmctp
11:50:00,773 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: ctpType -> ctpType, type: integer
11:50:00,789 INFO Binder:200 - Mapping joined-subclass: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.VcCtp -> topologymgmt_vcctp
11:50:00,789 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: vpi -> vpi, type: integer
11:50:00,789 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: vci -> vci, type: integer
11:50:00,789 INFO Binder:200 - Mapping joined-subclass: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.VpCtp -> topologymgmt_vpctp
11:50:00,789 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: vpi -> vpi, type: integer
11:50:00,804 INFO Binder:200 - Mapping joined-subclass: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.VlanCtp -> topologymgmt_vlanctp
11:50:00,804 INFO Binder:560 - Mapping collection: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.VlanCtp.vlanIds -> topology_vlan_ids
11:50:00,804 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: vlanIds, type: [I
11:50:00,804 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.CrossConnect -> cross_connect
11:50:00,804 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.CrossConnect usage strategy: read-write
11:50:00,804 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:00,820 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: active -> active, type: boolean
11:50:00,820 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: sncType -> snc_type, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.SncType
11:50:00,820 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: connectionDirectionType -> connection_direction_type, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.ConnectionDirectionType
11:50:00,820 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: connectionTrafficProfile -> cross_connect_id, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.ConnectionTrafficProfile
11:50:00,820 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: subnetworkConnection -> subnet_cross_connect, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.SubnetworkConnection
11:50:00,820 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: AEndTerminationPoints, type: java.util.Set
11:50:00,820 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: ZEndTerminationPoints, type: java.util.Set
11:50:00,820 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.ConnectionTrafficProfile -> connection_traffic_profile
11:50:00,820 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.ConnectionTrafficProfile usage strategy: read-write
11:50:00,820 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:00,820 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: name -> name, type: string
11:50:00,835 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: description -> description, type: string
11:50:00,835 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: numberOfEndpoints -> number_of_endpoints, type: integer
11:50:00,835 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: numberOfEntries -> number_of_entries, type: integer
11:50:00,835 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: cosEntry -> cos_entry_id, type: com.diatem.db.qos.COSEntry
11:50:00,835 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: AToZCosContract -> a_to_z_cos_contract_id, type: com.diatem.db.qos.TwoPointSingleCOSContractUnidir
11:50:00,835 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: ZToACosContract -> z_to_a_cos_contract_id, type: com.diatem.db.qos.TwoPointSingleCOSContractUnidir
11:50:00,835 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: connectionTerminationPoint -> conn_termination_point_id, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.ConnectionTerminationPoint
11:50:00,835 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: subnetworkConnections, type: java.util.Set
11:50:00,851 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: crossConnects, type: java.util.Set
11:50:00,851 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.SubnetworkConnection -> subnetwork_connection
11:50:00,851 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.SubnetworkConnection usage strategy: read-write
11:50:00,851 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:00,851 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: sncName -> snc_name, type: string
11:50:00,851 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: sncType -> snc_type, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.SncType
11:50:00,851 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: description -> description, type: string
11:50:00,851 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: connectionDirectionType -> connection_drection_type, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.ConnectionDirectionType
11:50:00,851 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: staticProtectionLevelType -> static_protection_level_type, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.StaticProtectionLevelType
11:50:00,851 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: protectionEffortType -> protection_effort_type, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.ProtectionEffortType
11:50:00,851 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: sncState -> snc_state, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.SncState
11:50:00,867 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: rerouteType -> reroute_type, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.RerouteType
11:50:00,867 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: networkRoutedType -> network_routed_type, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.NetworkRoutedType
11:50:00,867 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: layerRate -> layer_rate_id, type: com.diatem.db.device.LayerRateProxy
11:50:00,867 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: connectionTrafficProfile -> profile_connection_id, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.ConnectionTrafficProfile
11:50:00,867 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: networkConnection -> subnet_conn_id, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.NetworkConnection
11:50:00,867 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: crossConnects, type: java.util.Set
11:50:00,867 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: AEndTerminationPoints, type: java.util.Set
11:50:00,867 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: ZEndTerminationPoints, type: java.util.Set
11:50:00,867 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.NETopologicalLink -> ne_topological_link
11:50:00,882 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.NETopologicalLink usage strategy: read-write
11:50:00,882 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:00,882 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: name -> name, type: string
11:50:00,882 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: userLabel -> userLabel, type: string
11:50:00,882 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: description -> description, type: string
11:50:00,882 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: directionalityType -> directionality_type, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.DirectionalityType
11:50:00,882 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: linkCost -> linkCost, type: integer
11:50:00,882 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: useStrictCapacityAllocation -> useStrictCapacityAllocation, type: boolean
11:50:00,882 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: multipleEndPointLink -> multipleEndPointLink, type: boolean
11:50:00,882 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: multicastLink -> multicastLink, type: boolean
11:50:00,882 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: minimumPriorityForLink -> minimumPriorityForLink, type: integer
11:50:00,882 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: maximumPriorityForLink -> maximumPriorityForLink, type: integer
11:50:00,882 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: status -> status, type: com.diatem.db.device.ObjectStatus
11:50:00,882 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: linkLength -> linkLength, type: com.diatem.db.qos.valuewithunits.DistanceValue
11:50:00,898 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: bwAllocationPerCos -> bwAllocationPerCos, type: com.diatem.db.qos.NetCOS
11:50:00,898 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: aendTerminationPoint -> aend_tp_id, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.TerminationPoint
11:50:00,898 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: network -> network_id, type: com.diatem.db.device.NetPortalNetwork
11:50:00,898 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: zendTerminationPoints, type: [Lcom.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.TerminationPoint;
11:50:00,898 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: networkConnection -> network_conn_id, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.NetworkConnection
11:50:00,898 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: db2NetSynchState -> db2NetSynchState, type: com.diatem.db.device.DbNeSyncStateEnum
11:50:00,898 INFO Binder:200 - Mapping joined-subclass: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.NEPhysicalLink -> topo_physical_link
11:50:00,914 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: linkMediumType -> linkMediumType, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.LinkMediumType
11:50:00,914 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: supportedPathTypes -> supportedPathTypes, type: com.diatem.db.device.PathTypes
11:50:00,914 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: routingOverbook -> routingOverbook, type: integer
11:50:00,929 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: reRoutingOverbook -> reRoutingOverbook, type: integer
11:50:00,929 INFO Binder:200 - Mapping joined-subclass: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.NELogicalLink -> topo_logical_link
11:50:00,929 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: logicalLinkType -> logicalLinkType, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.LogicalLinkType
11:50:00,945 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: logicalLinkStatus -> logicalLinkStatus, type: com.diatem.db.device.LogicalLinkStatus
11:50:00,945 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: reserveAlternatePath -> reserveAlternatePath, type: boolean
11:50:00,945 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: rerouteAtFault -> rerouteAtFault, type: boolean
11:50:00,945 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: applicationTraffic -> applicationTraffic, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.ApplicationTypeEnum
11:50:00,960 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: signallingFormat -> signallingFormat, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.SignallingFormatEnum
11:50:00,960 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: alarmSurveilance -> alarmSurveilance, type: boolean
11:50:00,960 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: continuityCheck -> continuityCheck, type: boolean
11:50:00,960 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: trafficShapingAtEnds -> trafficShapingAtEnds, type: boolean
11:50:00,960 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: trafficPolicingAtEnds -> trafficPolicingAtEnds, type: boolean
11:50:00,960 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: useConnectionSchedule -> useConnectionSchedule, type: boolean
11:50:00,960 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: uniqueCOSTraffic -> uniqueCOSTraffic, type: boolean
11:50:00,960 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: mtuSize -> mtuSize, type: integer
11:50:00,960 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: useMtu -> useMtu, type: boolean
11:50:00,976 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: connectionSchedule, type: [Lcom.diatem.db.qos.valuewithunits.TimeInterval;
11:50:00,976 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.SubnetToLink -> SubnetToLink
11:50:00,976 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.SubnetToLink usage strategy: read-write
11:50:00,976 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:00,976 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: subnetworkConnections, type: java.util.Set
11:50:00,976 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: links, type: java.util.Set
11:50:00,976 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.NetworkConnection -> network_connection
11:50:00,976 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.NetworkConnection usage strategy: read-write
11:50:00,976 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:00,976 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: name -> name, type: string
11:50:00,976 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: description -> description, type: string
11:50:00,992 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: networkConnectionType -> networkConnectionType, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.NetConnectionTypeEnum
11:50:00,992 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: direction -> direction, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.ConnectionDirectionType
11:50:00,992 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: staticProtectionLevel -> static_prot_level, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.StaticProtectionLevelType
11:50:00,992 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: protectionEffort -> protection_effor, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.ProtectionEffortType
11:50:00,992 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: connectionState -> connectionState, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.SncState
11:50:00,992 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: rerouteAllowed -> reroute_allowed, type: boolean
11:50:00,992 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: topologicalType -> topological_type, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.SncType
11:50:00,992 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: deploymentInfo -> deploymentInfo, type: com.diatem.db.device.DeploymentRequestEnum
11:50:00,992 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: moreThan2EndPointConnection -> moreThan2EndPointConnection, type: boolean
11:50:00,992 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: multicastConnection -> multicastConnection, type: boolean
11:50:00,992 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: trunkConnection -> trunkConnection, type: boolean
11:50:00,992 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: aendTerminationPoints, type: [Lcom.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.ConnectionTerminationPoint;
11:50:01,007 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: zendTerminationPoints, type: [Lcom.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.ConnectionTerminationPoint;
11:50:01,007 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: subnetConnectorLinks, type: [Lcom.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.SubnetToLink;
11:50:01,007 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: connectionTrafficProfile -> conn_traf_profile_id, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.ConnectionTrafficProfile
11:50:01,007 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: neTopologicalLinks, type: java.util.Set
11:50:01,007 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: subnetworkConnections, type: java.util.Set
11:50:01,007 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: specificParams -> specificParams, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.TechnologySpecificParams
11:50:01,007 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: db2NetSynchState -> db2NetSynchState, type: com.diatem.db.device.DbNeSyncStateEnum
11:50:01,007 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.SwitchData -> switch_data
11:50:01,007 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.SwitchData usage strategy: read-write
11:50:01,007 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:01,007 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: protectionType -> protection_type, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.ProtectionType
11:50:01,007 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: switchReason -> switch_reason, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.SwitchReason
11:50:01,023 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: protectedTerminationPoint -> protected_termination_point_id, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.TerminationPoint
11:50:01,023 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: switchToTerminationPoint -> switchto_termination_point_id, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.TerminationPoint
11:50:01,023 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.ProtectionGroup -> protection_group
11:50:01,023 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.ProtectionGroup usage strategy: read-write
11:50:01,023 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:01,023 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: name -> name, type: string
11:50:01,023 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: description -> description, type: string
11:50:01,039 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: protectionGroupType -> protection_group_type, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.ProtectionGroupType
11:50:01,039 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: protectionSchemeState -> protection_scheme_state, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.ProtectionSchemeState
11:50:01,070 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: revertMode -> revert_mode, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.RevertMode
11:50:01,070 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: layerRate -> layer_rate_id, type: com.diatem.db.device.LayerRateProxy
11:50:01,070 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: switchData -> switch_data_id, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.SwitchData
11:50:01,070 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: terminationPoints, type: [Lcom.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.PhysicalTerminationPoint;
11:50:01,070 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.TechnologySpecificParams -> TechnologySpecificParams
11:50:01,070 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.TechnologySpecificParams usage strategy: read-write
11:50:01,070 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:01,085 INFO Binder:200 - Mapping joined-subclass: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.AtmVPCLogicalLink -> AtmVPCLogicalLink
11:50:01,085 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: serviceCategory -> serviceCategory, type: com.diatem.db.qos.ATMServiceCategoryProxy
11:50:01,085 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: clr -> clr, type: float
11:50:01,085 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: cdv -> cdv, type: com.diatem.db.qos.valuewithunits.TimeInterval
11:50:01,085 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: cdvt -> cdvt, type: com.diatem.db.qos.valuewithunits.TimeInterval
11:50:01,085 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: maxDelay -> maxDelay, type: com.diatem.db.qos.valuewithunits.TimeInterval
11:50:01,101 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: atmPathCriteria -> atmPathCriteria, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.AtmPathCriteria
11:50:01,117 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: atmOAMOptions -> atmOAMOptions, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.AtmOAMOptions
11:50:01,132 INFO Binder:200 - Mapping joined-subclass: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.EthernetTree -> EthernetTree
11:50:01,132 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: spanningTreeOn -> spanningTreeOn, type: boolean
11:50:01,132 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: spanningTreeParams -> spanningTreeParams, type: com.diatem.db.device.L2SwitchingOptions
11:50:01,132 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.AtmPathCriteria -> AtmPathCriteria
11:50:01,132 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.AtmPathCriteria usage strategy: read-write
11:50:01,132 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:01,132 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: minVci -> minVci, type: integer
11:50:01,132 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: maxVci -> maxVci, type: integer
11:50:01,132 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: minPathPriority -> minPathPriority, type: integer
11:50:01,132 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: maxPathPriority -> maxPathPriority, type: integer
11:50:01,148 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.AtmOAMOptions -> AtmOAMOptions
11:50:01,148 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.AtmOAMOptions usage strategy: read-write
11:50:01,148 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:01,148 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: multiNetworkSegment -> multiNetworkSegment, type: boolean
11:50:01,148 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: monitorOAMFlow -> monitorOAMFlow, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.PerformanceMonitorOAMFlows
11:50:01,148 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: oamSink -> oamSink, type: com.diatem.db.objectmodel.topologymgmt.OAMSinkAssignment
11:50:01,164 DEBUG Configuration:989 - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@165c7f6 [Attribute: name resource value "com/diatem/db/system/SystemConfiguration.hbm.xml"]
11:50:01,164 INFO Configuration:328 - Mapping resource: com/diatem/db/system/SystemConfiguration.hbm.xml
11:50:01,179 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:20 - trying to locate ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath under net/sf/hibernate/
11:50:01,179 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:29 - found ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath
11:50:01,226 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.system.WizardConfig -> WizardConfig
11:50:01,226 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.system.WizardConfig usage strategy: read-write
11:50:01,226 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:01,226 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: type -> type, type: string
11:50:01,226 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: moHistory -> moHistory, type: com.diatem.db.device.MOHistory
11:50:01,242 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: config, type: java.util.Map
11:50:01,242 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.system.ConfigWizardEntry -> ConfigWizardEntry
11:50:01,242 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.system.ConfigWizardEntry usage strategy: read-write
11:50:01,242 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:01,242 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: disabled -> disabled, type: boolean
11:50:01,242 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: required -> required, type: boolean
11:50:01,257 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.system.PointPositionInView -> PointPositionInView
11:50:01,257 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.system.PointPositionInView usage strategy: read-write
11:50:01,257 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:01,257 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: xlocation -> xlocation, type: integer
11:50:01,257 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: ylocation -> ylocation, type: integer
11:50:01,273 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.system.RectanglePositionInView -> RectanglePositionInView
11:50:01,273 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.system.RectanglePositionInView usage strategy: read-write
11:50:01,273 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:01,273 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: center -> center, type: com.diatem.db.system.PointPositionInView
11:50:01,273 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: diagonal -> diagonal, type: integer
11:50:01,289 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.system.PolygonPositionInView -> PolygonPositionInView
11:50:01,289 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.system.PolygonPositionInView usage strategy: read-write
11:50:01,289 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:01,289 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: points, type: [Lcom.diatem.db.system.PointPositionInView;
11:50:01,289 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.system.MapView -> MapView
11:50:01,289 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.system.MapView usage strategy: read-write
11:50:01,289 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:01,289 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: viewId -> viewId, type: integer
11:50:01,304 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: viewType -> viewType, type: com.diatem.db.system.MapViewTypeEnum
11:50:01,304 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: viewScale -> viewScale, type: com.diatem.db.system.ScaleEnum
11:50:01,304 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.system.ElementPosition -> ElementPosition
11:50:01,304 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.system.ElementPosition usage strategy: read-write
11:50:01,304 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:01,304 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: elementType -> elementType, type: com.diatem.db.system.GraphicalElementType
11:50:01,320 INFO Binder:200 - Mapping joined-subclass: com.diatem.db.system.PointPosition -> PointPosition
11:50:01,320 INFO Binder:560 - Mapping collection: com.diatem.db.system.PointPosition.pointPositionList -> pointPositionList
11:50:01,320 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: pointPositionList, type: java.util.Map
11:50:01,320 INFO Binder:200 - Mapping joined-subclass: com.diatem.db.system.PolygonPosition -> PolygonPosition
11:50:01,320 INFO Binder:560 - Mapping collection: com.diatem.db.system.PolygonPosition.polyPositionList -> polyPositionList
11:50:01,320 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: polyPositionList, type: java.util.Map
11:50:01,335 INFO Binder:200 - Mapping joined-subclass: com.diatem.db.system.RectanglePosition -> RectanglePosition
11:50:01,335 INFO Binder:560 - Mapping collection: com.diatem.db.system.RectanglePosition.rectPositionList -> rectPositionList
11:50:01,335 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: rectPositionList, type: java.util.Map
11:50:01,335 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.system.GlobalConfigParams -> GlobalConfigParams
11:50:01,351 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:01,351 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: rootOfNEImages -> rootOfNEImages, type: string
11:50:01,351 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: rootOfBackupFiles -> rootOfBackupFiles, type: string
11:50:01,351 DEBUG Configuration:989 - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@a522a6 [Attribute: name resource value "com/diatem/db/users/AccessDomainRightsHolder.hbm.xml"]
11:50:01,351 INFO Configuration:328 - Mapping resource: com/diatem/db/users/AccessDomainRightsHolder.hbm.xml
11:50:01,367 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:20 - trying to locate ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath under net/sf/hibernate/
11:50:01,367 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:29 - found ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath
11:50:01,382 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.users.AccessDomainRightsHolder -> AccessDomainRightsHolder
11:50:01,398 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.users.AccessDomainRightsHolder usage strategy: read-write
11:50:01,398 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:01,398 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: group -> group_id, type: com.diatem.db.users.NetPortalGroup
11:50:01,398 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: domain -> domain, type: com.diatem.db.device.NetPortalAdministrativeDomain
11:50:01,398 INFO Binder:560 - Mapping collection: com.diatem.db.users.AccessDomainRightsHolder.actions -> domain_actions
11:50:01,398 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: actions, type: java.util.Map
11:50:01,398 DEBUG Configuration:989 - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@787c16 [Attribute: name resource value "com/diatem/db/users/ApplicationRightsHolder.hbm.xml"]
11:50:01,398 INFO Configuration:328 - Mapping resource: com/diatem/db/users/ApplicationRightsHolder.hbm.xml
11:50:01,414 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:20 - trying to locate ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath under net/sf/hibernate/
11:50:01,429 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:29 - found ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath
11:50:01,445 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.users.ApplicationRightsHolder -> ApplicationRightsHolder
11:50:01,445 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.users.ApplicationRightsHolder usage strategy: read-write
11:50:01,445 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:01,445 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: group -> group_id, type: com.diatem.db.users.NetPortalGroup
11:50:01,445 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: applicationId -> applicationId, type: com.diatem.db.login.ApplicationIdEnum
11:50:01,445 INFO Binder:560 - Mapping collection: com.diatem.db.users.ApplicationRightsHolder.actions -> app_actions
11:50:01,445 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: actions, type: java.util.Map
11:50:01,445 DEBUG Configuration:989 - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@140984b [Attribute: name resource value "com/diatem/db/users/GroupMembershipType.hbm.xml"]
11:50:01,445 INFO Configuration:328 - Mapping resource: com/diatem/db/users/GroupMembershipType.hbm.xml
11:50:01,476 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:20 - trying to locate ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath under net/sf/hibernate/
11:50:01,476 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:29 - found ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath
11:50:01,492 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.users.GroupMembershipType -> GroupMembershipType
11:50:01,492 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.users.GroupMembershipType usage strategy: read-write
11:50:01,492 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:01,492 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: supervisor -> supervisor, type: boolean
11:50:01,492 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: deputySupervisor -> deputySupervisor, type: boolean
11:50:01,492 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: group -> group_id, type: com.diatem.db.users.NetPortalGroup
11:50:01,492 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: user -> user_id, type: com.diatem.db.users.NetPortalUser
11:50:01,492 DEBUG Configuration:989 - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@1b33a0e [Attribute: name resource value "com/diatem/db/users/NetworkRightsHolder.hbm.xml"]
11:50:01,492 INFO Configuration:328 - Mapping resource: com/diatem/db/users/NetworkRightsHolder.hbm.xml
11:50:01,507 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:20 - trying to locate ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath under net/sf/hibernate/
11:50:01,507 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:29 - found ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath
11:50:01,523 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.users.NetworkRightsHolder -> NetworkRightsHolder
11:50:01,523 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.users.NetworkRightsHolder usage strategy: read-write
11:50:01,523 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:01,523 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: group -> group_id, type: com.diatem.db.users.NetPortalGroup
11:50:01,523 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: network -> network, type: com.diatem.db.device.NetPortalNetwork
11:50:01,523 INFO Binder:560 - Mapping collection: com.diatem.db.users.NetworkRightsHolder.actions -> nwk_actions
11:50:01,523 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: actions, type: java.util.Map
11:50:01,523 DEBUG Configuration:989 - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@12c3327 [Attribute: name resource value "com/diatem/db/users/NetPortalSystemInformation.hbm.xml"]
11:50:01,523 INFO Configuration:328 - Mapping resource: com/diatem/db/users/NetPortalSystemInformation.hbm.xml
11:50:01,539 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:20 - trying to locate ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath under net/sf/hibernate/
11:50:01,539 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:29 - found ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath
11:50:01,554 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.users.NetPortalSystemInformation -> NetPortalSystemInformation
11:50:01,554 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.users.NetPortalSystemInformation usage strategy: read-write
11:50:01,554 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:01,554 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: initFilesDir -> initFilesDir, type: string
11:50:01,617 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: backupFilesDir -> backupFilesDir, type: string
11:50:01,617 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: adminOnlyControlOfFiles -> adminOnlyControlOfFiles, type: boolean
11:50:01,617 DEBUG Configuration:989 - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@1989b5 [Attribute: name resource value "com/diatem/db/users/Workstation.hbm.xml"]
11:50:01,617 INFO Configuration:328 - Mapping resource: com/diatem/db/users/Workstation.hbm.xml
11:50:01,632 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:20 - trying to locate ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath under net/sf/hibernate/
11:50:01,632 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:29 - found ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath
11:50:01,664 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.users.Workstation -> Workstation
11:50:01,664 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.users.Workstation usage strategy: read-write
11:50:01,664 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:01,664 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: name -> name, type: string
11:50:01,664 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: ipAddress -> ip_address_, ip_mask_, type: com.diatem.db.device.IPV4AddressType
11:50:01,664 DEBUG Configuration:989 - null<-org.dom4j.tree.DefaultAttribute@c3c315 [Attribute: name resource value "com/diatem/db/templates/networkelement/NetworkElementTemplate.hbm.xml"]
11:50:01,664 INFO Configuration:328 - Mapping resource: com/diatem/db/templates/networkelement/NetworkElementTemplate.hbm.xml
11:50:01,679 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:20 - trying to locate ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath under net/sf/hibernate/
11:50:01,695 DEBUG DTDEntityResolver:29 - found ... ng-2.0.dtd in classpath
11:50:01,710 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: com.diatem.db.templates.networkelement.NetworkElementTemplate -> ne_template
11:50:01,710 DEBUG CacheFactory:32 - cache for: com.diatem.db.templates.networkelement.NetworkElementTemplate usage strategy: read-write
11:50:01,710 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: id -> id, type: long
11:50:01,710 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: creationUser -> creationUser, type: string
11:50:01,726 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: modificationUser -> modificationUser, type: string
11:50:01,726 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: lastModified -> lastModified, type: timestamp
11:50:01,726 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: creationTime -> creationTime, type: timestamp
11:50:01,726 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: name -> name, type: string
11:50:01,726 DEBUG Binder:475 - Mapped property: description -> description, type: string