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 Post subject: Cannot fetch join associations of components in collections
PostPosted: Thu May 20, 2004 5:21 am 

Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2004 1:20 pm
Posts: 23
Hi all

Is there a way to to eagerly load (fetch join) the associations of components that are in a collection? I was pretty sure there was not (and most of my searches on the forum reinforced that opinion as others seem to have had the same problem) so I filed HB-968 as a feature request but Gavin thinks it is possible and referred me back here.

For example:

Contract contract
inner join fetch contract.lifesAssured
contract.riskStatus.code = 'PU'

This will correctly make the join to the LIFE_ASSURED table to return back the lifes assured for the contract.

However each LifeAssured has an associated client (many-to-one) and list of benefits (bag). As these are not retrieved by Hibernate in the above query so it issues (2*N)+1 queries to load them.

It would be great to be able to say something like:

Contract contract
inner join fetch contract.lifesAssured
inner join fetch contract.lifesAssured.benefits
inner join fetch contract.lifesAssured.client
contract.riskStatus.code = 'PU'

However this syntax does not seem to be supported. Is there another way?



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