The company I work for is considering switching from TopLink to Hibernate. We need to call MS-SQL Server and Oracle 9i stored procedures in our applicaitions and I have the responsibility of figuring out how to work around Hibernate v2.x's lack of explicit stored procedure support.
The information in this forum has been quite helpful in coming up to speed on Hibernate, so I would like to add to the body of knowledge here.
I think that a better answer to Gana's original question would have been that a simple change to his JDBC code would have allowed him to retrieve the return value from the stored procedure.
I believe that all he needed to do was change this statement:
int status = rset.getInt(1);
int status = stmt.getInt(1);
Below you'll find a method from a Hibernate test application that calls a very simple stored procedure on a MS-SQL 2000 server. The stored procedure just returns the same value that was passed to it in the input parameter. The test application uses Hibernate 2.1.6 and creates a static SessionFactory when the application starts.
Note that this is demo code; its purpose is to demonstrate how to use a connection object from a Hibernate session to call a stored procedure with JDBC and get the return value. The code isn't meant to demonstrate how to deal with the other real-world issues that arise from using stored procedures in a Hibernate application.
private Integer callSPWithReturnValue(int inValue) {
int retVal=0;
try {
// ReturnValue is the stored procedure name.
String sqlcall = "{?=Call ReturnValue(?) }";
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
Connection conn = session.connection();
CallableStatement cstmt = conn.prepareCall(sqlcall);
// Initialize the parameter values for the call.
cstmt.registerOutParameter(1, java.sql.Types.INTEGER);
cstmt.setInt( 2, inValue);
Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();
// Use the execute() method when the SP does not return a resultset, otherwise use executeQuery.
retVal= cstmt.getInt(1);
} catch (HibernateException e) {
} catch (SQLException s) {
return new Integer(retVal);
I hope this information will be of use to the other stored procedure users out there in the Hibernate user community.