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 Post subject: retrieve field length of db column mapped to property
PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2004 4:57 am 

Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2003 9:50 am
Posts: 34
Location: Weiden Opf. / Germany
Hi folks!

With MS SQLServer and the JSQLConnect driver (not sure about other db/driver combos) if a string property of an entity has been set with a value longer than the field in the database, it can not be saved.

I'd would like to truncate the String to the length of the db column. Unfortunately i couldn't find any way in hibernate to access the metadata of a db table.

Is there any possibility to retrieve the length the db column mapped to a property?

Any help would be appreciated!

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PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2004 8:40 am 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Tue Sep 09, 2003 2:10 pm
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Location: Passau, Germany
There is no Hibernate API for that, you can use standard JDBC methods by getting the connection from the session.

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PostPosted: Fri May 07, 2004 9:24 am 

Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2003 9:50 am
Posts: 34
Location: Weiden Opf. / Germany
thx a lot! we'll do that.

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