rkcosta wrote:
I'm working in a J2EE Web project and dealing with the Framework base and Auth of the application.
I read some patterns about authentication and authorization but I couln't solve a problem to set up the current user logged into the application.
Like a pattern, I tried to keep the current user in a ThreadLocal object, but it didn't work, because the same thread was used in different sessions with different users.
One good option is to keep the user in the web session, but that brings me another problem... how to load the user in session into the persistent classes?
Ricardo Costa
Basically a J2EE Web app stores the Principal within the HttpRequest only when you are in a secure context. Read
this article in about matter. This is the case if you use Tomcat 4. I have not tried tomcat 5.x? I haven't tried other web containers, but I guess this is rather a fact in the Servlet world (you can only authentificate by forms or via basic in real world and so you have to use either declarative security or JAAS).
You can easliy check your situation this by
assert request.getUserPrincipal() != null;
(if you using JSDK 1.4 of course and enable assertions)
If Declarative Security is not an option you have ot use JAAS to sign on your user to the WebContainer (and the EJB Container if used in conjunction). This normally means to write a own login module in which you have to check all credentical (login, password) againgst database using hibernate. And then you have to store the Principal and if necessary the role in HttpSession. In some cases the web container may catch the princpal from JAAS and adds it to all requests done in the started HTTP Session, but this is not the case for Tomcat 4.1 as far as I know.
If you have a web framwork you have to extract the login and password data directly an pass the to JAAS Login Module which can be base on top of Hibernate.