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 Post subject: Hibernate stops at:instantiating and configuring caches
PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2004 2:08 am 

Joined: Mon Apr 05, 2004 3:14 am
Posts: 13

i am trying to use Hibernate under Apache Cocoon 2.1.5, Tomcat 4.0.9.

I call HibernateUtil.currentSession, and Hibernate starts up reads, cfg files, then map files and their classes. then stops.

I have successfully used Hibernate under Cocoon 2.1.3.

I reckoned that jars of Cocoon and Hibernate may be the issue, and I experimented a lot to no avail.

Any tips are welcome.

Hibernate logs the following info:

INFO [HttpProcessor[8080][4]] (Environment.java:432) - Hibernate 2.1 beta 5
INFO [HttpProcessor[8080][4]] (Environment.java:466) - loaded properties from resource hibernate.properties: {hibernate.connection.driver_class=com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver, hibernate.cglib.use_reflection_optimizer=true, hibernate.cache.provider_class=net.sf.hibernate.cache.Hashtabl
eCacheProvider, hibernate.max_fetch_depth=1, hibernate.dialect=net.sf.hibernate.dialect.SybaseDialect, hibernate.jdbc.use_streams_for_binary=true, hibernate.jdbc.batch_size=0, hibernate.query.substitutions=true 1, false 0, yes 'Y', no 'N', hibernate.use_outer_join=true, hibernate.connection.username
=sa, hibernate.connection.url=jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://myserver:1433;DatabaseName=dbname;User=sa;Password=;SelectMethod=cursor, hibernate.show_sql=true, hibernate.connection.password=, hibernate.statement_cache.size=25, hibernate.connection.pool_size=1}
INFO [HttpProcessor[8080][4]] (Environment.java:480) - using java.io streams to persist binary types
INFO [HttpProcessor[8080][4]] (Environment.java:481) - using CGLIB reflection optimizer
INFO [HttpProcessor[8080][4]] (Configuration.java:794) - Configuration resource: /hibernate.cfg.xml
INFO [HttpProcessor[8080][4]] (Configuration.java:285) - Mapping resource: apparelxml/part_category_master.hbm.xml
INFO [HttpProcessor[8080][4]] (Binder.java:197) - Mapping class: dbname.map_file-> table_name
INFO [HttpProcessor[8080][4]] (Configuration.java:981) - Configured SessionFactory: null
INFO [HttpProcessor[8080][4]] (Configuration.java:563) - processing one-to-many association mappings
INFO [HttpProcessor[8080][4]] (Configuration.java:572) - processing one-to-one association property references
INFO [HttpProcessor[8080][4]] (Configuration.java:597) - processing foreign key constraints
INFO [HttpProcessor[8080][4]] (Dialect.java:82) - Using dialect: net.sf.hibernate.dialect.SybaseDialect
INFO [HttpProcessor[8080][4]] (SettingsFactory.java:58) - Maximim outer join fetch depth: 1
INFO [HttpProcessor[8080][4]] (SettingsFactory.java:62) - Use outer join fetching: true
INFO [HttpProcessor[8080][4]] (DriverManagerConnectionProvider.java:41) - Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!)
INFO [HttpProcessor[8080][4]] (DriverManagerConnectionProvider.java:42) - Hibernate connection pool size: 1
INFO [HttpProcessor[8080][4]] (DriverManagerConnectionProvider.java:71) - using driver: com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver at URL: jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://terra:1433;DatabaseName=apparelxmldev;User=sa;Password=;SelectMethod=cursor
INFO [HttpProcessor[8080][4]] (DriverManagerConnectionProvider.java:72) - connection properties: {user=sa, password=}
INFO [HttpProcessor[8080][4]] (TransactionManagerLookupFactory.java:33) - No TransactionManagerLookup configured (in JTA environment, use of process level read-write cache is not recommended)
INFO [HttpProcessor[8080][4]] (SettingsFactory.java:89) - Use scrollable result sets: true
INFO [HttpProcessor[8080][4]] (SettingsFactory.java:96) - echoing all SQL to stdout
INFO [HttpProcessor[8080][4]] (SettingsFactory.java:99) - Query language substitutions: {true=1, yes='Y', false=0, no='N'}
INFO [HttpProcessor[8080][4]] (SettingsFactory.java:110) - cache provider: net.sf.hibernate.cache.HashtableCacheProvider
INFO [HttpProcessor[8080][4]] (Configuration.java:990) - instantiating and configuring caches

//STOPS HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

//but in earliar version logs continuted as follows:

INFO [HttpProcessor[8080][4]] (SessionFactoryImpl.java:118) - building session factory
INFO [HttpProcessor[8080][4]] (SessionFactoryObjectFactory.java:82) - no JNDI name configured
Hibernate: //my sql statement translated by Hibernate

Thanks in advance.

 Post subject: Hibernate 2.1.3 solved the problem
PostPosted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 6:34 am 

Joined: Mon Apr 05, 2004 3:14 am
Posts: 13

guten tag.

I have solved the problem of using Hibernate under Cocoon 2.1.3 , by getting Hibernate 2.1.3.

Thanks for viewing my message.

Sorry for the bother if any.


 Post subject: need ur help...
PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2004 2:44 am 

Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2004 5:00 am
Posts: 13
dear Mr.Iyyappan!

i hope u r from South India (may be in TamilNadu from CTS?)!

my name is Munas. i need ur extreme help in hibernate applciation.
i am very tired of searching and downloading hibernate sample applications in net.most of them are Ant Building applications.
being a programmer, its shame to say i couldnt run a simple one.
so i need ur extreme help in running a very simple Hibernate appln.
if possible ur first application on Hibernate.
i hope u 'll do the best for me regarding this issue.
can u send me a full simple sampe application to me.
bcoz its very important for me and its most urgent too.
i am using tomcat4 and MySql. please send me a single one
and instruct me how to deploy it in my Tomcat Server.
if u do so, it would be immensely appreciated.
expecting ur favourable reply on this...
your Junior,


 Post subject: Re: need ur help...
PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2004 3:49 am 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Sun Sep 14, 2003 3:54 am
Posts: 7256
Location: Paris, France
munas wrote:
please send me a single one
and instruct me how to deploy it in my Tomcat Server.

Man, there is exactly what you want in the reference guide !


 Post subject: help me out...
PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2004 5:42 am 

Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2004 5:00 am
Posts: 13
dear Emman!!!

i have tried that too ... but no use...
then i have created my own appln like that.
when i deployed and call it...it tells the foll error...

root cause

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/dom4j/Attribute
at com.celestials.celeshibdemo.HibernateUtil.(HibernateUtil.java:12)
at com.celestials.celeshibdemo.EntryAction.execute(EntryAction.java:51)
at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processActionPerform(RequestProcessor.java:484)
at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(RequestProcessor.java:274)
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(ActionServlet.java:1482)
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost(ActionServlet

it goes like that.....

where is the bug..i couldnt find out....

i am sending the whole directory list for ur reference here...

Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is F419-37E2

Directory of C:\tomcat4\webapps\celeshibdemo

05/01/2004 03:08p <DIR> .
05/01/2004 03:08p <DIR> ..
04/02/2004 06:20p 313 .classpath
04/02/2004 02:50p 386 .project
05/01/2004 03:08p 0 dirlist.txt
04/12/2004 02:55p 1,096 Entry.jsp
04/12/2004 12:42p 72 Failure.jsp
04/08/2004 12:09p 859 index.jsp
04/12/2004 01:41p 72 Success.jsp
04/16/2004 09:16p <DIR> WEB-INF
7 File(s) 2,798 bytes

Directory of C:\tomcat4\webapps\celeshibdemo\WEB-INF

04/16/2004 09:16p <DIR> .
04/16/2004 09:16p <DIR> ..
05/01/2004 03:06p <DIR> classes
04/17/2004 05:16p <DIR> lib
04/17/2004 04:52p <DIR> src
04/02/2004 02:33p 7,834 struts-bean.tld
04/12/2004 05:48p 1,286 struts-config.xml
11/25/2003 09:34a 45,844 struts-html.tld
11/25/2003 09:34a 12,075 struts-logic.tld
04/12/2004 12:53p 1,774 web.xml
5 File(s) 68,813 bytes

Directory of C:\tomcat4\webapps\celeshibdemo\WEB-INF\classes

05/01/2004 03:06p <DIR> .
05/01/2004 03:06p <DIR> ..
04/16/2004 07:27p 905 Cat.hbm.xml
04/16/2004 09:16p <DIR> com
11/03/2003 02:40p 486,522 dom4j.jar
04/17/2004 05:11p 620 hibernate.cfg.xml
02/04/2004 04:46p 910,873 hibernate2.jar
02/26/2004 07:31p 352,668 log4j.jar
5 File(s) 1,751,588 bytes

Directory of C:\tomcat4\webapps\celeshibdemo\WEB-INF\classes\com

04/16/2004 09:16p <DIR> .
04/16/2004 09:16p <DIR> ..
04/16/2004 09:16p <DIR> celestials
0 File(s) 0 bytes

Directory of C:\tomcat4\webapps\celeshibdemo\WEB-INF\classes\com\celestials

04/16/2004 09:16p <DIR> .
04/16/2004 09:16p <DIR> ..
04/17/2004 05:11p <DIR> celeshibdemo
0 File(s) 0 bytes

Directory of C:\tomcat4\webapps\celeshibdemo\WEB-INF\classes\com\celestials\celeshibdemo

04/17/2004 05:11p <DIR> .
04/17/2004 05:11p <DIR> ..
04/03/2004 12:10p 3,206 ApplicationResources.properties
04/16/2004 06:31p 1,104 Cat.class
04/16/2004 06:31p 3,203 EntryAction.class
04/16/2004 06:30p 1,744 EntryForm.class
04/16/2004 06:31p 1,973 HibernateUtil.class
04/16/2004 06:30p 1,954 LogonAction.class
04/16/2004 06:30p 1,966 LogonForm.class
7 File(s) 15,150 bytes

Directory of C:\tomcat4\webapps\celeshibdemo\WEB-INF\lib

04/17/2004 05:16p <DIR> .
04/17/2004 05:16p <DIR> ..
02/04/2004 04:46p 737,884 ant-1.5.3.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 671,546 ant-optional-1.5.3.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 2,717 apache.license.txt
02/04/2004 04:46p 235,686 c3p0-0.8.3.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 18,258 c3p0.license.txt
02/04/2004 04:46p 288,855 cglib-2.0-rc2.jar
03/31/2004 03:32p 118,726 commons-beanutils.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 165,119 commons-collections-2.1.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 100,776 commons-dbcp-1.1.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 63,980 commons-lang-1.0.1.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 31,605 commons-logging-1.0.3.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 39,523 commons-pool-1.1.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 171,071 concurrent-1.3.2.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 17,978 connector.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 9,790 connector.licence.txt
02/04/2004 04:46p 486,522 dom4j-1.4.jar
11/03/2003 02:40p 486,522 dom4j.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 42,030 ehcache-0.6.jar
04/13/2004 01:13p 42,069 ehcache-0.7.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 910,873 hibernate2.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 104,359 jaas.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 9,863 jaas.licence.txt
02/04/2004 04:46p 156,505 jboss-cache.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 287,213 jboss-common.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 576,871 jboss-jmx.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 170,923 jboss-system.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 293,789 jcs-1.0-dev.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 6,727 jdbc2_0-stdext.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 7,932 jdbc2_0-stdext.licence.txt
02/04/2004 04:46p 1,331,869 jgroups-2.2.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 8,812 jta.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 9,830 jta.licence.txt
02/04/2004 04:46p 121,070 junit-3.8.1.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 352,668 log4j-1.2.8.jar
02/26/2004 07:31p 352,668 log4j.jar
02/26/2004 07:12p 441,245 mysqljdbc.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 13,091 odmg-3.0.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 110,208 oscache-2.0.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 475,943 proxool-0.8.3.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 2,008 README.txt
03/31/2004 03:32p 498,051 struts.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 30,602 swarmcache-1.0rc2.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 997,276 xalan-2.4.0.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 895,813 xerces-2.4.0.jar
02/04/2004 04:46p 123,705 xml-apis.jar
45 File(s) 12,020,571 bytes

Directory of C:\tomcat4\webapps\celeshibdemo\WEB-INF\src

04/17/2004 04:52p <DIR> .
04/17/2004 04:52p <DIR> ..
04/17/2004 10:50a 3,973 .classpath
04/17/2004 04:53p 47 .encoding
04/16/2004 08:15p 388 .project
04/16/2004 09:16p <DIR> com
04/12/2004 01:04p 620 hibernate.cfg.xml
4 File(s) 5,028 bytes

Directory of C:\tomcat4\webapps\celeshibdemo\WEB-INF\src\com

04/16/2004 09:16p <DIR> .
04/16/2004 09:16p <DIR> ..
04/16/2004 09:16p <DIR> celestials
0 File(s) 0 bytes

Directory of C:\tomcat4\webapps\celeshibdemo\WEB-INF\src\com\celestials

04/16/2004 09:16p <DIR> .
04/16/2004 09:16p <DIR> ..
04/17/2004 10:51a <DIR> celeshibdemo
0 File(s) 0 bytes

Directory of C:\tomcat4\webapps\celeshibdemo\WEB-INF\src\com\celestials\celeshibdemo

04/17/2004 10:51a <DIR> .
04/17/2004 10:51a <DIR> ..
04/17/2004 10:51a 1,104 Cat.class
04/16/2004 05:00p 906 Cat.hbm.xml
04/16/2004 08:00p 746 Cat.java
04/17/2004 01:12p 3,203 EntryAction.class
04/17/2004 01:12p 2,387 EntryAction.java
04/17/2004 10:51a 1,744 EntryForm.class
04/16/2004 06:30p 1,695 EntryForm.java
04/17/2004 10:51a 1,973 HibernateUtil.class
04/16/2004 06:31p 1,112 HibernateUtil.java
04/17/2004 10:51a 1,954 LogonAction.class
04/16/2004 06:27p 1,510 LogonAction.java
04/17/2004 10:51a 1,966 LogonForm.class
04/16/2004 06:30p 1,421 LogonForm.java
13 File(s) 21,721 bytes

Total Files Listed:
86 File(s) 13,885,669 bytes
32 Dir(s) 15,407,190,016 bytes free
hope this will help u to catch the culprit....
if u want the whole code i can send it as .zip to ur mail...
need some guidens and suggestions on this.....

and can u send me the hibernate-tools.jar ...and jt400.jar files..???

expecting ur reply !!!


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2004 5:45 am 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Thu Dec 18, 2003 9:55 am
Posts: 1977
Location: France
02/04/2004 04:46p 486,522 dom4j-1.4.jar
11/03/2003 02:40p 486,522 dom4j.jar

... you have several duplicate libraries, some "deprecated" jars might be loaded at startup

try to clean up your lib folder, and only use jar needed by the version of hibernate you are using

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2004 5:50 am 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Mon Aug 25, 2003 9:11 pm
Posts: 4592
Location: Switzerland
And please stop writing in l33t speak, this is not a kindergarden. Also, I doubt you will be able to do anything useful with Hibernate if you struggle at this early stage. Spent some time with a Beginners programmer book.

Get the book, training, and consulting for your Hibernate team.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat May 01, 2004 7:10 am 

Joined: Sun Apr 04, 2004 5:00 am
Posts: 13
thanx for ur replies ....

let me go with the biginners programming book!

 Post subject: Note to Iyappan
PostPosted: Wed May 05, 2004 9:49 pm 

Joined: Tue Apr 27, 2004 11:16 am
Posts: 23
Hi Iyappan,

I am Ganapathy, I found in the Wiki community notes abt ur try of custom sql( select * from....) on HIbernate.

I am trying hard to get it running. Can u help me ut here....



My mail id .. urfriend1230@yahoo.com

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