I have a customer table and a phone number table. A customer could have more than one phone number (home, mobile, work, evening etc..) and the Hibernate mapping files are set to bi-direcdtional 1 to many association.
For a given customer first name and the phone type (say "mobile"), I would like the hql to return a List of customers with the specific first name and the particular phone type associated with that customer.
i.e a list of customers where customer.name = "John" and for every customer returned the associated phone List should have only the mobile phone.
So when I use a query like this
List result = session.find("from Customer as cust join cust.phoneNumbers as phone where cust.firstName = ? and phone.type = ?", new Object[]{"John","Home"}, new Type[] {Hibernate.STRING, Hibernate.STRING});
The result contains a List of Object[2] where the first object is the customer and all its associated collections and the second object is phone number of the type specified in the where clause.
But I want the result to have list of customer objected with the associated phone list containing only those phones that match the where caluse.
Any help here would be appreciated. thanks.