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 Post subject: Many-to-many mapping problem
PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 11:31 am 

Joined: Tue Mar 02, 2004 1:12 pm
Posts: 25
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne

I am trying to create a many-to-many mapping between a Person and a Study class, where the association would have some attributes of its own. I followed the example provided in the Hibernate FAQ. My mappings look as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 2.0//EN"
   <class name="uk.org.mygrid.mir.infomodel.PeopleAndOrganizations.Person" table="person">
      <id name="LSID" type="java.lang.String" column="person_id" length="80">
         <generator class="assigned"/>
      <property name="firstName" type="java.lang.String" column="fName" not-null="true" length="20"/>
      <property name="lastName" type="java.lang.String" column="lName" not-null="true" length="30"/>
      <property name="email" type="java.lang.String" column="email" not-null="true" length="80"/>
      <property name="x509DN" type="java.lang.String" column="x509dn" not-null="true" length="50"/>
      <!-- associations -->
      <!-- bi-directional many-to-many association to Address -->
      <set name="addresses" table="address_persons">
            <column name="person_id" length="80"/>
         <many-to-many column="address_id" class="uk.org.mygrid.mir.infomodel.PeopleAndOrganizations.Address"/>
      <!-- bi-directional many-to-many association to StudyParticipationEpisode (association class) -->
      <set name="studyparticipations" table="studyparticipationepisode">
            <column name="person_id" length="80"/>
         <composite-element class="uk.org.mygrid.mir.infomodel.EScienceProcess.StudyParticipationEpisode">
            <property name="startDate" type="java.sql.Date"/>
            <property name="endDate" type="java.sql.Date"/>
            <property name="role" type="java.lang.String" length="20"/>
            <property name="description" type="java.lang.String" length="30"/>
            <many-to-one name="study" class="uk.org.mygrid.mir.infomodel.EScienceProcess.Study"/>
      <!-- bi-directional one-to-many association to Affiliation -->
      <set name="affiliations" lazy="true" inverse="true">
            <column name="affiliated_person_id"/>
         <one-to-many class="uk.org.mygrid.mir.infomodel.PeopleAndOrganizations.Affiliation"/>
      <!-- bi-directional one-to-many association to LabBook (one person can have multiple LabBooks) -->   
      <set name="labBooks" lazy="true" inverse="true">
            <column name="person_id"/>
         <one-to-many class="uk.org.mygrid.mir.infomodel.EScienceProcess.LabBookView"/>

When I am trying to load the Person and Study class as the configuration (Configuration.addClass...), it complains about a missing setter in the StudyParticipationEpisode class, although I have all the setters and getters in all the three classes.

Do I need to create a hbm file for this association separately?

I am using HIbernate 2.1.2 and MySql.

Please help.....


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 5:00 am 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Sun Sep 14, 2003 3:54 am
Posts: 7256
Location: Paris, France
Please read the red header and particulary the stacktrace and code (your POJO one)


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 5:24 am 

Joined: Tue Mar 02, 2004 1:12 pm
Posts: 25
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne
emmanuel wrote:
Please read the red header and particulary the stacktrace and code (your POJO one)

Sorry, my mistake. Forgot to add the other important elements...here are all of them:

1. Mapping for Study:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 2.0//EN"
   <class name="uk.org.mygrid.mir.infomodel.EScienceProcess.Study" table="study">
      <id name="LSID" type="java.lang.String" column="study_id" length="80">
         <generator class="assigned"/>
      <property name="name" type="java.lang.String" column="name" length="80"/>
      <property name="startTime" type="java.sql.Date" column="startTime" length="10"/>
      <property name="endTime" type="java.sql.Date" column="endTime" length="10"/>
      <property name="status" type="java.lang.String" column="status" length="10"/>
      <property name="description" type="java.lang.String" column="description" length="100"/>
      <!-- associations -->
      <!-- bi-directional one-to-many association to Experimentinstance -->
      <set name="experimentinstances" lazy="true" inverse="true">
            <column name="parent_study_id"/>
         <one-to-many class="uk.org.mygrid.mir.infomodel.EScienceProcess.ExperimentInstance"/>
      <!-- bi-directional many-to-one association to Labbookview -->
      <many-to-one name="labbookview" class="uk.org.mygrid.mir.infomodel.EScienceProcess.LabBookView" not-null="true">
         <column name="associated_labbook_id"/>
      <!-- bi-directional many-to-one association to Programme -->
      <many-to-one name="programme" class="uk.org.mygrid.mir.infomodel.EScienceProcess.Programme" not-null="true">
         <column name="related_programme_id"/>

2. Mapping for Person:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 2.0//EN"
   <class name="uk.org.mygrid.mir.infomodel.PeopleAndOrganizations.Person" table="person">
      <id name="LSID" type="java.lang.String" column="person_id" length="80">
         <generator class="assigned"/>
      <property name="firstName" type="java.lang.String" column="fName" not-null="true" length="20"/>
      <property name="lastName" type="java.lang.String" column="lName" not-null="true" length="30"/>
      <property name="email" type="java.lang.String" column="email" not-null="true" length="80"/>
      <property name="x509DN" type="java.lang.String" column="x509dn" not-null="true" length="50"/>
      <!-- associations -->
      <!-- bi-directional many-to-many association to Address -->
      <set name="addresses" table="address_persons">
            <column name="person_id" length="80"/>
         <many-to-many column="address_id" class="uk.org.mygrid.mir.infomodel.PeopleAndOrganizations.Address"/>
      <!-- bi-directional many-to-many association to StudyParticipationEpisode (association class) -->
      <set name="studyparticipations" table="studyparticipationepisode">
            <column name="person_id" length="80"/>
         <composite-element class="uk.org.mygrid.mir.infomodel.EScienceProcess.StudyParticipationEpisode">
            <property name="startDate" type="java.sql.Date"/>
            <property name="endDate" type="java.sql.Date"/>
            <property name="role" type="java.lang.String" length="20"/>
            <property name="description" type="java.lang.String" length="30"/>
            <many-to-one name="study" class="uk.org.mygrid.mir.infomodel.EScienceProcess.Study"/>
      <!-- bi-directional one-to-many association to Affiliation -->
      <set name="affiliations" lazy="true" inverse="true">
            <column name="affiliated_person_id"/>
         <one-to-many class="uk.org.mygrid.mir.infomodel.PeopleAndOrganizations.Affiliation"/>
      <!-- bi-directional one-to-many association to LabBook (one person can have multiple LabBooks) -->
      <set name="labBooks" lazy="true" inverse="true">
            <column name="person_id"/>
         <one-to-many class="uk.org.mygrid.mir.infomodel.EScienceProcess.LabBookView"/>

3. POJO of Study:

public class Study extends Resource implements Serializable {
   private String name;
   private Date startTime;
   private Date endTime;
   private String status;
   private String description;
   private LabBookView labbookview;
   private Programme programme;   
   private Set experimentinstances;
                public String getDescription() {
      return description;
   public Date getEndTime() {
      return endTime;
   public Set getExperimentinstances() {
      return experimentinstances;
   public LabBookView getLabbookview() {
      return labbookview;

   public String getName() {
      return name;
   public Programme getProgramme() {
      return programme;

   public Date getStartTime() {
      return startTime;

   public String getStatus() {
      return status;

   public void setDescription(String string) {
      description = string;

   public void setEndTime(Date date) {
      endTime = date;

   public void setExperimentinstances(Set set) {
      experimentinstances = set;

   public void setLabbookview(LabBookView view) {
      labbookview = view;

   public void setName(String string) {
      name = string;

   public void setProgramme(Programme programme) {
      this.programme = programme;

   public void setStartTime(Date date) {
      startTime = date;

   public void setStatus(String string) {
      status = string;

4. POJO of Person:

public class Person extends Resource implements Serializable {
    private String x509DN;
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;
    private String email;
    private Set addresses;
    private Set affiliations;
    private Set labBooks;
    private Set studyparticipations;

    public Set getAddresses() {
        return addresses;

    public Set getAffiliations() {
        return affiliations;

    public String getEmail() {
        return email;

    public String getFirstName() {
        return firstName;

    public String getLastName() {
        return lastName;

    public String getX509DN() {
        return x509DN;

    public void setAddresses(Set set) {
        addresses = set;

    public void setAffiliations(Set set) {
        affiliations = set;

    public void setEmail(String string) {
        email = string;

    public void setFirstName(String string) {
        firstName = string;

    public void setLastName(String string) {
        lastName = string;

    public void setX509DN(String string) {
        x509DN = string;

    public Set getLabBooks() {
        return labBooks;

    public void setLabBooks(Set set) {
        labBooks = set;

    public Set getStudyparticipations() {
        return studyparticipations;

    public void setStudyparticipations(Set set) {
        studyparticipations = set;

5. POJO of StudyParticipationEpisode:

public class StudyParticipationEpisode implements Serializable {
   private Date startDate;
   private Date endDate;
   private String role;
   private String description;
   private Study study;
   public String getDescription() {
      return description;

   public Date getEndDate() {
      return endDate;

   public String getRole() {
      return role;

   public Date getStartDate() {
      return startDate;

   public void setDescription(String string) {
      description = string;

   public void setEndDate(Date date) {
      endDate = date;

   public void setRole(String string) {
      role = string;

   public void setStartDate(Date date) {
      startDate = date;

   public Study getStudy() {
      return study;

   public void setStudy(Study study) {
      this.study = study;

6. StackTrace:

    [javac] Compiling 7 source files to F:\Work\working\mygrid\MIR\build
     [echo] remember to place your JDBC driver in the lib directory
     [copy] Copying 1 file to F:\Work\working\mygrid\MIR\build\uk\org\mygrid\mir\test
     [java] Creating configuration...
     [java] - Hibernate 2.1.2
     [java] - loaded properties from resource hibernate.properties: {hibernate.connection.driver_class=org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver, hibernate.cglib.use_re
flection_optimizer=true, hibernate.cache.provider_class=net.sf.hibernate.cache.HashtableCacheProvider, hibernate.cache.use_query_cache=true, hibernate
.max_fetch_depth=1, hibernate.dialect=net.sf.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect, hibernate.jdbc.use_streams_for_binary=true, hibernate.jdbc.batch_size=0,
hibernate.query.substitutions=true 1, false 0, yes 'Y', no 'N', hibernate.proxool.pool_alias=pool1, hibernate.connection.username=arijitm, hibernate.c
onnection.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mir, hibernate.connection.password=password, hibernate.connection.pool_size=1}
     [java] - using java.io streams to persist binary types
     [java] - using CGLIB reflection optimizer
     [java] - Mapping resource: uk/org/mygrid/mir/infomodel/PeopleAndOrganizations/Person.hbm.xml
     [java] - Mapping class: uk.org.mygrid.mir.infomodel.PeopleAndOrganizations.Person -> person
     [java] - Mapping collection: uk.org.mygrid.mir.infomodel.PeopleAndOrganizations.Person.addresses -> address_persons
     [java] - Mapping collection: uk.org.mygrid.mir.infomodel.PeopleAndOrganizations.Person.studyparticipations -> studyparticipationepisode
     [java] - Mapping resource: uk/org/mygrid/mir/infomodel/PeopleAndOrganizations/Address.hbm.xml
     [java] - Mapping class: uk.org.mygrid.mir.infomodel.PeopleAndOrganizations.Address -> address
     [java] - Mapping collection: uk.org.mygrid.mir.infomodel.PeopleAndOrganizations.Address.addressee -> address_persons
     [java] - Mapping resource: uk/org/mygrid/mir/infomodel/PeopleAndOrganizations/OrganizationalStructure.hbm.xml
     [java] - Mapping class: uk.org.mygrid.mir.infomodel.PeopleAndOrganizations.OrganizationalStructure -> organizationalstructure
     [java] - Mapping resource: uk/org/mygrid/mir/infomodel/PeopleAndOrganizations/OrganizationalUnit.hbm.xml
     [java] - Mapping class: uk.org.mygrid.mir.infomodel.PeopleAndOrganizations.OrganizationalUnit -> organizationalunits
     [java] - Mapping resource: uk/org/mygrid/mir/infomodel/PeopleAndOrganizations/Affiliation.hbm.xml
     [java] - Mapping class: uk.org.mygrid.mir.infomodel.PeopleAndOrganizations.Affiliation -> affiliation
     [java] - Mapping resource: uk/org/mygrid/mir/infomodel/PeopleAndOrganizations/AffiliationEpisode.hbm.xml
     [java] - Mapping class: uk.org.mygrid.mir.infomodel.PeopleAndOrganizations.AffiliationEpisode -> affiliationepisode
     [java] - processing one-to-many association mappings
     [java] net.sf.hibernate.PropertyNotFoundException: Could not find a setter for property startDate in class uk.org.mygrid.mir.infomodel.EScienceProcess.StudyParticipationEpisode
     [java]     at net.sf.hibernate.property.BasicPropertyAccessor.getSetter(BasicPropertyAccessor.java:131)
     [java]     at net.sf.hibernate.mapping.Property.getSetter(Property.java:182)
     [java]     at net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Binder.bindComponent(Binder.java:881)
     [java]     at net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Binder.bindCollectionSecondPass(Binder.java:1191)
     [java]     at net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Binder$CollectionSecondPass.secondPass(Binder.java:1352)
     [java]     at net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Binder$SecondPass.doSecondPass(Binder.java:1328)
     [java]     at net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.secondPassCompile(Configuration.java:600)
     [java]     at net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.buildSessionFactory(Configuration.java:743)
     [java]     at uk.org.mygrid.mir.test.HibernateTest.main(HibernateTest.java:267)
     [java] java.lang.RuntimeException: couldn't get connection
     [java]     at uk.org.mygrid.mir.test.HibernateTest.main(HibernateTest.java:274)
     [java] Exception in thread "main"

It has something to do with the many-to-many mapping with attributes between Person and Study, because once I remove this (and remove the associated POJOs), the rest works.

A related question: If I use hbm2java to generate the POJOs from my mapping files, it generates an extra POJO called StudyParticipation - I can't figure out where it is coming from...

Hoping for a solution...


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 7:14 am 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Thu Dec 18, 2003 9:55 am
Posts: 1977
Location: France
what happens when you comment only this:
<property name="startDate" type="java.sql.Date"/>


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 7:18 am 

Joined: Tue Mar 02, 2004 1:12 pm
Posts: 25
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne
delpouve wrote:
what happens when you comment only this:
<property name="startDate" type="java.sql.Date"/>


In that case, the same exception is thrown for the next property, i.e. endDate. If that is commented out, then the same for role...


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 7:26 am 

Joined: Tue Mar 02, 2004 1:12 pm
Posts: 25
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne
arijitm wrote:
delpouve wrote:
what happens when you comment only this:
<property name="startDate" type="java.sql.Date"/>


In that case, the same exception is thrown for the next property, i.e. endDate. If that is commented out, then the same for role...


Initially I was trying to model it in this way:

Person (*)-----------------(*) Study

And the association class (StudyParticipationEpisode) would have something like:

StudyParticipationEpisode (1)-----------(*) Role

I couldn't figure out how to map another class to the many-to-many association class, so I moved the role and decription within the association class itself.

Once this "setter" issue is resolved, I would need to look into this issue.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 9:17 am 

Joined: Tue Mar 02, 2004 1:12 pm
Posts: 25
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne
This seems stupid - but probably it was a problem with eclipse. I cleaned all the POJOs and regenerated the setters and getters, and now this particular problem seems to have gone away.


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