when I start my tomcat, log is as follow:
09:49:25,062 INFO Configuration:629 - processing foreign key constraints
09:49:25,296 INFO Dialect:82 - Using dialect: net.sf.hibernate.dialect.SybaseDialect
09:49:25,312 INFO SettingsFactory:62 - Use outer join fetching: true
09:49:25,328 INFO ConnectionProviderFactory:53 - Initializing connection provider: net.sf.hibernate.connection.DatasourceConnectionProvider
09:49:25,343 INFO NamingHelper:26 - JNDI InitialContext properties:{}
09:49:25,406 INFO DatasourceConnectionProvider:51 - Using datasource: java:comp/env/jdbc/rinoceronte
09:49:25,421 INFO TransactionFactoryFactory:31 - Transaction strategy: net.sf.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransactionFactory
09:49:25,437 INFO TransactionManagerLookupFactory:33 - No TransactionManagerLookup configured (in JTA environment, use of process level read-write cache is not recommended)
09:49:26,031 INFO SettingsFactory:102 - Use scrollable result sets: true
09:49:26,031 INFO SettingsFactory:105 - Use JDBC3 getGeneratedKeys(): true
09:49:26,031 INFO SettingsFactory:108 - Optimize cache for minimal puts: false
09:49:26,031 INFO SettingsFactory:117 - Query language substitutions: {}
09:49:26,046 INFO SettingsFactory:128 - cache provider: net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.Provider
09:49:26,046 INFO Configuration:1080 - instantiating and configuring caches
09:49:26,546 INFO SessionFactoryImpl:119 - building session factory
09:49:27,234 INFO ReflectHelper:160 - reflection optimizer disabled for: br.com.tatil.rinoceronte.model.Proposta, BulkBeanException: null (property setDescricao)
09:49:27,546 INFO ReflectHelper:160 - reflection optimizer disabled for: br.com.tatil.rinoceronte.model.ProjetoFaseModelo, NullPointerException: null
09:49:27,640 INFO ReflectHelper:160 - reflection optimizer disabled for: br.com.tatil.rinoceronte.model.ItemEstoque, NullPointerException: null
09:49:27,671 INFO ReflectHelper:160 - reflection optimizer disabled for: br.com.tatil.rinoceronte.model.Cliente, BulkBeanException: null (property setRazaoSocial)
09:49:27,765 INFO ReflectHelper:160 - reflection optimizer disabled for: br.com.tatil.rinoceronte.model.Projeto, BulkBeanException: null (property setDescricao)
09:49:27,828 INFO ReflectHelper:160 - reflection optimizer disabled for: br.com.tatil.rinoceronte.model.ProjetoFase, NullPointerException: null
09:49:27,875 INFO ReflectHelper:160 - reflection optimizer disabled for: br.com.tatil.rinoceronte.model.PropostaFase, NullPointerException: null
09:49:28,390 INFO SessionFactoryObjectFactory:82 - no JNDI name configured
The last line shows SessionFactoryObjectFactory:82 - no JNDI name configured.
So I am actually not sure if I am using JNDI or not.
myapp.xml showed above does not configure JNDI datasource?