Ok, did some more reading and now it seems to connect to the database, but I keep getting this error :
0: middlegen.MiddlegenException: Middlegen successfully connected to the database, but couldn't find any tables. Perhaps the specified schema or catalog is wrong? -Or maybe there aren't any tables in the database at all?
Here is my oracle.xml :
<!-- please set your Oracle-SID according to your needs -->
<property environment="env"/>
<property name="database.script.file" value="${src.dir}/sql/${name}-oracle.sql"/>
<property name="database.driver.file" value="${env.ORACLE_HOME}/jdbc/lib/classes12.jar"/>
<property name="database.driver.classpath" value="${database.driver.file}"/>
<property name="database.driver" value="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"/>
<property name="database.url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@xxx.yyy.com:1521:databaseSID"/>
<property name="database.userid" value="straw"/>
<property name="database.password" value="password"/>
<property name="database.schema" value=""/>
<property name="database.catalog" value=""/>
<!--property name="jboss.datasource.mapping" value="Oracle7"/-->
<property name="jboss.datasource.mapping" value="Oracle8"/>
<!--property name="jboss.datasource.mapping" value="Oracle9i"/-->
Can anyone tell me what I need to do ? I read that sometimes taking out the schema or the catalog seems to solve the problem, but I tried both and it didnt seem to work.