cmubruin wrote:
Actually, Hibernate Team, I suppose this is a good time to ask this.
I'm not on the hibernate team but when has that ever stopped me? ;-)
cmubruin wrote:
1. If I do something like a session.load(user), and I was using a Map, would the entire map be loaded, or will each Topic be loaded individually when I specifically call for it? user.getTopic(topicID) for example?
Knowing Hibernate, I would assume it will load only the requested ID.
2. What happens if I call something like user.getTopics()?
You'll get a map that has had nothing loaded for it yet.
cmubruin wrote:
2. How about for Sets?
a. Is the entire set loaded when I call session.load(user), or is it loaded when i do something like user.getTopics()?
Neither. When you call user.getTopics() you'll get a lazy set that will only load data when you start calling methods like contains() or iterator() on it.