I am new to using Hibernate and am trying to connect it with DB2 OS/390 using the DB2JCC driver. I am nusing the DB2Dialect. I have searched the web and the forums here for similar problems but have not found any. Does anyone have any insight into what my problem is?
I understand the drop error since the tables are not there. I am assuming this is an attempt to start "fresh" when building hibernate. The create table errors are my concern. I get errors for all of the tables but I have only posted these since the others are duplicates.
When running "ant eg" I get the following:
[java] 12:18:42,547 DEBUG SchemaExport:132 - drop table Bid
[java] 12:18:43,088 DEBUG SchemaExport:137 - Unsuccessful: drop table Bid
[java] 12:18:43,088 DEBUG SchemaExport:138 - DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -204, SQLSTATE: 42704, SQLERRMC: user.BID
[java] 12:18:43,088 DEBUG SchemaExport:149 - create table AuctionItem (
[java] id BIGINT not null generated by default as identity,
[java] description VARCHAR(255),
[java] ends TIMESTAMP,
[java] condition INTEGER,
[java] seller BIGINT not null,
[java] successfulBid BIGINT,
[java] primary key (id)
[java] )
[java] 12:18:43,138 ERROR SchemaExport:154 - Unsuccessful: create table AuctionItem (id BIGINT not null generated by default
entity, description VARCHAR(255), ends TIMESTAMP, condition INTEGER, seller BIGINT not null, successfulBid BIGINT, primary ke
[java] 12:18:43,138 ERROR SchemaExport:155 - DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -473, SQLSTATE: 42918, SQLERRMC: null
Any help is greatly appreciated!