You might want to check to see if you have all of the required jar files in your WEB-INF/lib. You'll want all the jboss jars (and a few others -- just check out the readme in the distribution's lib folder). Also, make sure you update the JBoss server lib folder with the new hibernate2.jar (this one caught me).
Having said that, I'm still having a minor problem with TreeCache under JBoss using the same configuration. When I initially hit the server cache, I get the following message:
net.sf.hibernate.cache.CacheException: org.jboss.cache.ConfigureException: configure(): input stream is null for property xml
at net.sf.hibernate.cache.TreeCache.<init>(
at net.sf.hibernate.cache.TreeCacheProvider.buildCache(
If I refresh, it loads just fine after that. I suppose it could be related to a similar issue, but I haven't tracked it down yet.
- Sil