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Author Message
 Post subject: Criteria Find Not Working Correctly
PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 11:53 pm 

Joined: Wed Dec 31, 2003 9:45 pm
Posts: 19
This used to work, and I don't know what changed to create this behavior - HELP!
I am converting some legacy code to Hibernate. I created a method called QueryEngine.queryByExample which takes a value object to be used as an example object for a query, and returns an arraylist result. I pass in a UserVO value object with the userID set to 'RUSELMD'. I print this out both before and after I do the criteria query, and it is as expected. I do the criteria query, and the query which is generated has a where clause of 'WHERE 1=1', indicating that the userID is being ignored. I have attached relevant files here. The first is a console, with the SQL turned on, which shows the end of a previous query to get all HotWork, which was successful (but which is supposed to get everything in the table), followed by the User query, which returns 4 results, when it should return one. Following that are the code for queryByExample and a mapping file. Finally, I have attached the utilities file copied from the documentation, which I used to set up and close sessions after every database action.

I don't expect anyone to rewrite my program for me. I'm just looking for guesses as to what might cause this, or how to narrow the problem further. (Or even how to pose the query here more succinctly!)

2004-01-13 19:10:02,625 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl closing Session
2004-01-13 19:10:02,625 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl disconnecting session
2004-01-13 19:10:02,625 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl transaction completion
2004-01-13 19:10:02,625 DEBUG tripleTech.dao.QueryEngine and closed the session
2004-01-13 19:10:02,625 DEBUG tripleTech.dao.QueryEngine And now we return
2004-01-13 19:10:02,625 DEBUG tripleTech.helpers.LoadViewData Loaded 3 Hot Work
Type VOs
2004-01-13 19:10:02,625 INFO tripleTech.helpers.LoadViewData Finish Loading Vie
w Data
2004-01-13 19:10:03,687 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl running Session.finaliz
2004-01-13 19:10:03,687 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl running Session.finaliz
2004-01-13 19:27:01,015 DEBUG tripleTech.filters.FSRequestFilter entered filter
2004-01-13 19:27:01,015 DEBUG tripleTech.filters.FSRequestFilter no user object
and this is a login
2004-01-13 19:27:01,031 DEBUG struts.util.RequestUtils Get module name for path
2004-01-13 19:27:01,031 DEBUG struts.util.RequestUtils Module name found: defaul
2004-01-13 19:27:01,062 DEBUG struts.action.RequestProcessor Processing a 'POST'
for path '/FSLogin'
2004-01-13 19:27:01,062 DEBUG struts.util.RequestUtils Looking for ActionForm b
ean instance in scope 'session' under attribute key 'LoginForm'
2004-01-13 19:27:01,062 DEBUG struts.util.RequestUtils Recycling existing Actio
nForm instance of class 'net.tripleTech.forms.LoginForm'
2004-01-13 19:27:01,062 DEBUG struts.util.RequestUtils --> net.tripleTech.forms
2004-01-13 19:27:01,062 DEBUG struts.action.RequestProcessor Storing ActionForm
bean instance in scope 'session' under attribute key 'LoginForm'
2004-01-13 19:27:01,062 DEBUG struts.action.RequestProcessor Populating bean pr
operties from this request
2004-01-13 19:27:01,109 DEBUG struts.action.RequestProcessor Validating input f
orm properties
2004-01-13 19:27:01,109 DEBUG struts.action.RequestProcessor No errors detecte
d, accepting input
2004-01-13 19:27:01,109 DEBUG struts.action.RequestProcessor Looking for Action
instance for class net.tripleTech.actions.LoginAction
2004-01-13 19:27:01,109 DEBUG struts.action.RequestProcessor Creating new Acti
on instance
Called FSProperties()
2004-01-13 19:27:01,203 DEBUG tripleTech.actions.LoginAction found view data:tru
2004-01-13 19:27:01,203 DEBUG tripleTech.security.BasicService about to get user
2004-01-13 19:27:01,203 DEBUG tripleTech.dao.QueryEngine query by example:class
2004-01-13 19:27:01,203 DEBUG tripleTech.helpers.SFHibernateUtil checking for s=
2004-01-13 19:27:01,203 DEBUG tripleTech.helpers.SFHibernateUtil s is null
2004-01-13 19:27:01,218 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl opened session
2004-01-13 19:27:01,218 DEBUG tripleTech.helpers.SFHibernateUtil opened new sess
2004-01-13 19:27:01,218 DEBUG tripleTech.helpers.SFHibernateUtil all done, got t
he session
2004-01-13 19:27:01,218 DEBUG tripleTech.helpers.SFHibernateUtil in new finally
2004-01-13 19:27:01,218 DEBUG tripleTech.helpers.SFHibernateUtil out of the meth
2004-01-13 19:27:01,218 DEBUG hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransaction begin
2004-01-13 19:27:01,218 DEBUG hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransaction current auto
commit status:true
2004-01-13 19:27:01,218 DEBUG hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransaction disabling au
2004-01-13 19:27:01,218 DEBUG tripleTech.dao.QueryEngine about to do the query
2004-01-13 19:27:01,234 DEBUG tripleTech.dao.QueryEngine USERVO about to process
: ruselmd
2004-01-13 19:27:01,234 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl find by criteria: [net.
2004-01-13 19:27:01,234 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl flushing session
2004-01-13 19:27:01,234 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl Flushing entities and p
rocessing referenced collections
2004-01-13 19:27:01,234 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl Processing unreferenced
2004-01-13 19:27:01,234 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl Scheduling collection r
2004-01-13 19:27:01,234 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl Flushed: 0 insertions,
0 updates, 0 deletions to 0 objects
2004-01-13 19:27:01,234 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl Flushed: 0 (re)creation
s, 0 updates, 0 removals to 0 collections
2004-01-13 19:27:01,234 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl Dont need to execute fl
2004-01-13 19:27:01,250 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl about to open: 0 open P
reparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
2004-01-13 19:27:01,250 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl prepared statement get:
select this.UserID as UserID0_, this.firstName as firstName0_, this.middleIniti
al as middleIn3_0_, this.lastName as lastName0_, this.phone as phone0_, this.pas
sword as password0_ from UserObject this where (1=1)
Hibernate: select this.UserID as UserID0_, this.firstName as firstName0_, this.m
iddleInitial as middleIn3_0_, this.lastName as lastName0_, this.phone as phone0_
, this.password as password0_ from UserObject this where (1=1)
2004-01-13 19:27:01,250 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl preparing statement
2004-01-13 19:27:01,250 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader processing result set
2004-01-13 19:27:01,250 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'PATTONV' as c
olumn: UserID0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,250 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: PATTONV
2004-01-13 19:27:01,250 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Initializing object from R
esultSet: PATTONV
2004-01-13 19:27:01,250 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Hydrating entity: net.trip
2004-01-13 19:27:01,250 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'Vern' as colu
mn: firstName0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,265 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'S' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,265 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'Patton' as co
lumn: lastName0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,265 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '7508' as colu
mn: phone0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,265 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'PATTONV' as c
olumn: password0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,265 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'HESSG' as col
umn: UserID0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,265 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: HESSG
2004-01-13 19:27:01,265 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Initializing object from R
esultSet: HESSG
2004-01-13 19:27:01,265 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Hydrating entity: net.trip
2004-01-13 19:27:01,265 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'Greg' as colu
mn: firstName0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,281 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'J' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,281 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'Hess' as colu
mn: lastName0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,281 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '3501' as colu
mn: phone0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,281 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'HESSG' as col
umn: password0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,281 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'RUSELMD' as c
olumn: UserID0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,281 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: RUSELMD
2004-01-13 19:27:01,281 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Initializing object from R
esultSet: RUSELMD
2004-01-13 19:27:01,281 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Hydrating entity: net.trip
2004-01-13 19:27:01,281 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'Mark' as colu
mn: firstName0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,281 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'D' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,296 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'Russell' as c
olumn: lastName0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,296 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '9981' as colu
mn: phone0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,296 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'RUSELMD' as c
olumn: password0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,296 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'SMITHF' as co
lumn: UserID0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,296 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: SMITHF
2004-01-13 19:27:01,296 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Initializing object from R
esultSet: SMITHF
2004-01-13 19:27:01,296 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Hydrating entity: net.trip
2004-01-13 19:27:01,296 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'Frank' as col
umn: firstName0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,296 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'X' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,312 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'Smith' as col
umn: lastName0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,312 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '5361' as colu
mn: phone0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,312 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'SMITHF' as co
lumn: password0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,312 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader done processing result set
(4 rows)
2004-01-13 19:27:01,312 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl done closing: 0 open Pr
eparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
2004-01-13 19:27:01,312 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl closing statement
2004-01-13 19:27:01,312 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader total objects hydrated: 4
2004-01-13 19:27:01,312 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolving associations
for [net.tripleTech.dao.UserVO#PATTONV]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,312 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl collection not cached
2004-01-13 19:27:01,328 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl done materializing enti
ty [net.tripleTech.dao.UserVO#PATTONV]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,328 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolving associations
for [net.tripleTech.dao.UserVO#HESSG]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,328 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl collection not cached
2004-01-13 19:27:01,328 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl done materializing enti
ty [net.tripleTech.dao.UserVO#HESSG]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,328 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolving associations
for [net.tripleTech.dao.UserVO#RUSELMD]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,328 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl collection not cached
2004-01-13 19:27:01,328 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl done materializing enti
ty [net.tripleTech.dao.UserVO#RUSELMD]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,328 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolving associations
for [net.tripleTech.dao.UserVO#SMITHF]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,328 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl collection not cached
2004-01-13 19:27:01,328 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl done materializing enti
ty [net.tripleTech.dao.UserVO#SMITHF]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,343 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl initializing non-lazy c
2004-01-13 19:27:01,343 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl initializing collection
2004-01-13 19:27:01,343 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl about to open: 0 open P
reparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
2004-01-13 19:27:01,343 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl prepared statement get:
select userrole0_.RoleID as RoleID__, userrole0_.UserID as UserID__, rolevo1_.r
oleID as roleID0_, rolevo1_.roleName as roleName0_ from UserRoleLink userrole0_,
RoleObject rolevo1_ where userrole0_.UserID=? and userrole0_.RoleID=rolevo1_.ro
Hibernate: select userrole0_.RoleID as RoleID__, userrole0_.UserID as UserID__,
rolevo1_.roleID as roleID0_, rolevo1_.roleName as roleName0_ from UserRoleLink u
serrole0_, RoleObject rolevo1_ where userrole0_.UserID=? and userrole0_.RoleID=r
2004-01-13 19:27:01,343 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl preparing statement
2004-01-13 19:27:01,343 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType binding 'SMITHF' to para
meter: 1
2004-01-13 19:27:01,343 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result set contains (possi
bly empty) collection: [net.tripleTech.dao.UserVO.roles#SMITHF]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,343 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl uninitialized collectio
n: initializing
2004-01-13 19:27:01,343 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader processing result set
2004-01-13 19:27:01,359 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '4' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,359 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 4
2004-01-13 19:27:01,359 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Initializing object from R
esultSet: 4
2004-01-13 19:27:01,359 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Hydrating entity: net.trip
2004-01-13 19:27:01,359 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'Impairment On
ly' as column: roleName0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,359 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'SMITHF' as co
lumn: UserID__
2004-01-13 19:27:01,359 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,359 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:01,375 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '4' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,375 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:01,375 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,375 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RoleVO#4]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,375 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader done processing result set
(1 rows)
2004-01-13 19:27:01,375 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl done closing: 0 open Pr
eparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
2004-01-13 19:27:01,375 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl closing statement
2004-01-13 19:27:01,375 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader total objects hydrated: 1
2004-01-13 19:27:01,375 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolving associations
for [net.tripleTech.dao.RoleVO#4]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,390 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl collection not cached
2004-01-13 19:27:01,390 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl done materializing enti
ty [net.tripleTech.dao.RoleVO#4]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,390 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl 1 collections were foun
d in result set
2004-01-13 19:27:01,390 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl collection fully initia
lized: [net.tripleTech.dao.UserVO.roles#SMITHF]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,390 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl 1 collections initializ
2004-01-13 19:27:01,390 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl initializing collection
2004-01-13 19:27:01,390 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl about to open: 0 open P
reparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
2004-01-13 19:27:01,390 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl prepared statement get:
select rolerigh0_.RightID as RightID__, rolerigh0_.RoleID as RoleID__, rightvo1
_.rightID as rightID0_, rightvo1_.rightName as rightName0_ from RoleRightLink ro
lerigh0_, RightObject rightvo1_ where rolerigh0_.RoleID=? and rolerigh0_.RightID
Hibernate: select rolerigh0_.RightID as RightID__, rolerigh0_.RoleID as RoleID__
, rightvo1_.rightID as rightID0_, rightvo1_.rightName as rightName0_ from RoleRi
ghtLink rolerigh0_, RightObject rightvo1_ where rolerigh0_.RoleID=? and rolerigh
2004-01-13 19:27:01,390 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl preparing statement
2004-01-13 19:27:01,406 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType binding '4' to parameter
: 1
2004-01-13 19:27:01,406 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result set contains (possi
bly empty) collection: [net.tripleTech.dao.RoleVO.rights#4]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,406 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl uninitialized collectio
n: initializing
2004-01-13 19:27:01,406 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader processing result set
2004-01-13 19:27:01,406 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '1' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,406 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 1
2004-01-13 19:27:01,406 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Initializing object from R
esultSet: 1
2004-01-13 19:27:01,406 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Hydrating entity: net.trip
2004-01-13 19:27:01,421 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'ViewImpairmen
t' as column: rightName0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,421 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '4' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,421 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,421 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:01,421 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '1' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,421 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:01,421 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,421 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#1]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,421 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '5' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,437 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 5
2004-01-13 19:27:01,437 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Initializing object from R
esultSet: 5
2004-01-13 19:27:01,437 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Hydrating entity: net.trip
2004-01-13 19:27:01,437 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'EditImpairmen
t' as column: rightName0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,437 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '4' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,437 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,437 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:01,437 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '5' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,437 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:01,453 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,453 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#5]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,453 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader done processing result set
(2 rows)
2004-01-13 19:27:01,453 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl done closing: 0 open Pr
eparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
2004-01-13 19:27:01,453 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl closing statement
2004-01-13 19:27:01,453 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader total objects hydrated: 2
2004-01-13 19:27:01,453 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolving associations
for [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#1]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,453 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl done materializing enti
ty [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#1]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,453 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolving associations
for [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#5]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,468 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl done materializing enti
ty [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#5]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,468 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl 1 collections were foun
d in result set
2004-01-13 19:27:01,468 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl collection fully initia
lized: [net.tripleTech.dao.RoleVO.rights#4]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,468 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl 1 collections initializ
2004-01-13 19:27:01,468 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl initializing collection
2004-01-13 19:27:01,468 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl about to open: 0 open P
reparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
2004-01-13 19:27:01,468 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl prepared statement get:
select userrole0_.RoleID as RoleID__, userrole0_.UserID as UserID__, rolevo1_.r
oleID as roleID0_, rolevo1_.roleName as roleName0_ from UserRoleLink userrole0_,
RoleObject rolevo1_ where userrole0_.UserID=? and userrole0_.RoleID=rolevo1_.ro
Hibernate: select userrole0_.RoleID as RoleID__, userrole0_.UserID as UserID__,
rolevo1_.roleID as roleID0_, rolevo1_.roleName as roleName0_ from UserRoleLink u
serrole0_, RoleObject rolevo1_ where userrole0_.UserID=? and userrole0_.RoleID=r
2004-01-13 19:27:01,468 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl preparing statement
2004-01-13 19:27:01,468 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType binding 'RUSELMD' to par
ameter: 1
2004-01-13 19:27:01,484 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result set contains (possi
bly empty) collection: [net.tripleTech.dao.UserVO.roles#RUSELMD]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,484 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl uninitialized collectio
n: initializing
2004-01-13 19:27:01,484 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader processing result set
2004-01-13 19:27:01,484 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '3' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,484 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 3
2004-01-13 19:27:01,484 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Initializing object from R
esultSet: 3
2004-01-13 19:27:01,484 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Hydrating entity: net.trip
2004-01-13 19:27:01,484 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'Shift Supervi
sor' as column: roleName0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,500 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'RUSELMD' as c
olumn: UserID__
2004-01-13 19:27:01,500 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,500 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:01,500 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '3' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,500 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:01,500 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,500 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RoleVO#3]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,500 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader done processing result set
(1 rows)
2004-01-13 19:27:01,500 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl done closing: 0 open Pr
eparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
2004-01-13 19:27:01,500 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl closing statement
2004-01-13 19:27:01,515 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader total objects hydrated: 1
2004-01-13 19:27:01,515 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolving associations
for [net.tripleTech.dao.RoleVO#3]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,515 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl collection not cached
2004-01-13 19:27:01,515 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl done materializing enti
ty [net.tripleTech.dao.RoleVO#3]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,515 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl 1 collections were foun
d in result set
2004-01-13 19:27:01,515 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl collection fully initia
lized: [net.tripleTech.dao.UserVO.roles#RUSELMD]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,515 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl 1 collections initializ
2004-01-13 19:27:01,515 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl initializing collection
2004-01-13 19:27:01,531 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl about to open: 0 open P
reparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
2004-01-13 19:27:01,531 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl prepared statement get:
select rolerigh0_.RightID as RightID__, rolerigh0_.RoleID as RoleID__, rightvo1
_.rightID as rightID0_, rightvo1_.rightName as rightName0_ from RoleRightLink ro
lerigh0_, RightObject rightvo1_ where rolerigh0_.RoleID=? and rolerigh0_.RightID
Hibernate: select rolerigh0_.RightID as RightID__, rolerigh0_.RoleID as RoleID__
, rightvo1_.rightID as rightID0_, rightvo1_.rightName as rightName0_ from RoleRi
ghtLink rolerigh0_, RightObject rightvo1_ where rolerigh0_.RoleID=? and rolerigh
2004-01-13 19:27:01,531 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl preparing statement
2004-01-13 19:27:01,531 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType binding '3' to parameter
: 1
2004-01-13 19:27:01,531 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result set contains (possi
bly empty) collection: [net.tripleTech.dao.RoleVO.rights#3]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,531 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl uninitialized collectio
n: initializing
2004-01-13 19:27:01,531 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader processing result set
2004-01-13 19:27:01,531 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '1' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,531 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 1
2004-01-13 19:27:01,546 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '3' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,546 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,546 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:01,546 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '1' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,546 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:01,546 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,546 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#1]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,546 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '10' as column
: rightID0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,546 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 10
2004-01-13 19:27:01,562 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Initializing object from R
esultSet: 10
2004-01-13 19:27:01,562 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Hydrating entity: net.trip
2004-01-13 19:27:01,562 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'ApproveHotWor
k' as column: rightName0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,562 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '3' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,562 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,562 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:01,562 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '10' as column
: RightID__
2004-01-13 19:27:01,562 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:01,562 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,578 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#10]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,578 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '11' as column
: rightID0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,578 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 11
2004-01-13 19:27:01,578 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Initializing object from R
esultSet: 11
2004-01-13 19:27:01,578 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Hydrating entity: net.trip
2004-01-13 19:27:01,578 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'ApproveTCP' a
s column: rightName0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,578 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '3' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,578 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,578 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:01,593 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '11' as column
: RightID__
2004-01-13 19:27:01,593 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:01,593 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,593 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#11]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,593 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '12' as column
: rightID0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,593 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 12
2004-01-13 19:27:01,593 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Initializing object from R
esultSet: 12
2004-01-13 19:27:01,593 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Hydrating entity: net.trip
2004-01-13 19:27:01,593 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'ApproveFireRe
port' as column: rightName0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,609 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '3' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,609 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,609 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:01,609 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '12' as column
: RightID__
2004-01-13 19:27:01,609 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:01,609 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,609 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#12]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,609 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '17' as column
: rightID0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,625 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 17
2004-01-13 19:27:01,625 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Initializing object from R
esultSet: 17
2004-01-13 19:27:01,625 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Hydrating entity: net.trip
2004-01-13 19:27:01,625 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'ViewReport' a
s column: rightName0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,625 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '3' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,625 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,625 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:01,625 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '17' as column
: RightID__
2004-01-13 19:27:01,625 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:01,640 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,640 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#17]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,640 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '2' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,640 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 2
2004-01-13 19:27:01,640 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Initializing object from R
esultSet: 2
2004-01-13 19:27:01,640 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Hydrating entity: net.trip
2004-01-13 19:27:01,640 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'ViewHotWork'
as column: rightName0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,640 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '3' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,640 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,656 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:01,656 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '2' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,656 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:01,656 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,656 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#2]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,656 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '3' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,656 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 3
2004-01-13 19:27:01,656 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Initializing object from R
esultSet: 3
2004-01-13 19:27:01,671 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Hydrating entity: net.trip
2004-01-13 19:27:01,671 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'ViewTCP' as c
olumn: rightName0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,671 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '3' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,671 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,671 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:01,671 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '3' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,671 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:01,671 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,671 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#3]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,671 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '4' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,687 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 4
2004-01-13 19:27:01,687 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Initializing object from R
esultSet: 4
2004-01-13 19:27:01,687 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Hydrating entity: net.trip
2004-01-13 19:27:01,687 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'ViewFireRepor
t' as column: rightName0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,687 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '3' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,687 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,687 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:01,687 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '4' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,703 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:01,703 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,703 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#4]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,703 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '5' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,703 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 5
2004-01-13 19:27:01,703 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '3' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,703 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,703 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:01,703 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '5' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,703 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:01,718 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,718 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#5]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,718 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '6' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,718 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 6
2004-01-13 19:27:01,718 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Initializing object from R
esultSet: 6
2004-01-13 19:27:01,718 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Hydrating entity: net.trip
2004-01-13 19:27:01,718 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'EditHotWork'
as column: rightName0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,718 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '3' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,734 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,734 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:01,734 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '6' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,734 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:01,734 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,734 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#6]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,734 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '7' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,734 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 7
2004-01-13 19:27:01,734 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Initializing object from R
esultSet: 7
2004-01-13 19:27:01,750 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Hydrating entity: net.trip
2004-01-13 19:27:01,750 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'EditTCP' as c
olumn: rightName0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,750 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '3' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,750 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,750 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:01,750 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '7' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,750 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:01,750 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,765 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#7]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,765 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '8' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,765 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 8
2004-01-13 19:27:01,765 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Initializing object from R
esultSet: 8
2004-01-13 19:27:01,765 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Hydrating entity: net.trip
2004-01-13 19:27:01,765 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'EditFireRepor
t' as column: rightName0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,765 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '3' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,765 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,765 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:01,765 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '8' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,781 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:01,781 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,781 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#8]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,781 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '9' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,781 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 9
2004-01-13 19:27:01,781 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Initializing object from R
esultSet: 9
2004-01-13 19:27:01,781 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Hydrating entity: net.trip
2004-01-13 19:27:01,781 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'ApproveImpair
ment' as column: rightName0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,796 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '3' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,796 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,796 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:01,796 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '9' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,796 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:01,796 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,796 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#9]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,796 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader done processing result set
(13 rows)
2004-01-13 19:27:01,796 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl done closing: 0 open Pr
eparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
2004-01-13 19:27:01,812 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl closing statement
2004-01-13 19:27:01,812 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader total objects hydrated: 11

2004-01-13 19:27:01,812 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolving associations
for [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#10]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,812 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl done materializing enti
ty [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#10]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,812 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolving associations
for [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#11]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,812 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl done materializing enti
ty [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#11]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,812 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolving associations
for [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#12]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,812 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl done materializing enti
ty [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#12]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,812 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolving associations
for [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#17]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,828 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl done materializing enti
ty [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#17]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,828 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolving associations
for [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#2]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,828 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl done materializing enti
ty [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#2]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,828 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolving associations
for [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#3]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,828 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl done materializing enti
ty [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#3]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,828 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolving associations
for [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#4]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,828 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl done materializing enti
ty [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#4]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,828 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolving associations
for [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#6]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,828 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl done materializing enti
ty [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#6]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,843 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolving associations
for [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#7]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,843 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl done materializing enti
ty [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#7]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,843 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolving associations
for [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#8]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,843 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl done materializing enti
ty [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#8]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,843 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolving associations
for [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#9]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,843 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl done materializing enti
ty [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#9]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,843 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl 1 collections were foun
d in result set
2004-01-13 19:27:01,843 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl collection fully initia
lized: [net.tripleTech.dao.RoleVO.rights#3]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,843 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl 1 collections initializ
2004-01-13 19:27:01,859 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl initializing collection
2004-01-13 19:27:01,859 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl about to open: 0 open P
reparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
2004-01-13 19:27:01,859 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl prepared statement get:
select userrole0_.RoleID as RoleID__, userrole0_.UserID as UserID__, rolevo1_.r
oleID as roleID0_, rolevo1_.roleName as roleName0_ from UserRoleLink userrole0_,
RoleObject rolevo1_ where userrole0_.UserID=? and userrole0_.RoleID=rolevo1_.ro
Hibernate: select userrole0_.RoleID as RoleID__, userrole0_.UserID as UserID__,
rolevo1_.roleID as roleID0_, rolevo1_.roleName as roleName0_ from UserRoleLink u
serrole0_, RoleObject rolevo1_ where userrole0_.UserID=? and userrole0_.RoleID=r
2004-01-13 19:27:01,859 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl preparing statement
2004-01-13 19:27:01,859 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType binding 'HESSG' to param
eter: 1
2004-01-13 19:27:01,859 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result set contains (possi
bly empty) collection: [net.tripleTech.dao.UserVO.roles#HESSG]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,859 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl uninitialized collectio
n: initializing
2004-01-13 19:27:01,859 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader processing result set
2004-01-13 19:27:01,859 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '2' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,875 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 2
2004-01-13 19:27:01,875 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Initializing object from R
esultSet: 2
2004-01-13 19:27:01,875 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Hydrating entity: net.trip
2004-01-13 19:27:01,875 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'User' as colu
mn: roleName0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,875 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'HESSG' as col
umn: UserID__
2004-01-13 19:27:01,875 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,875 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:01,875 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '2' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,890 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:01,890 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,890 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RoleVO#2]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,890 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader done processing result set
(1 rows)
2004-01-13 19:27:01,890 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl done closing: 0 open Pr
eparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
2004-01-13 19:27:01,890 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl closing statement
2004-01-13 19:27:01,890 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader total objects hydrated: 1
2004-01-13 19:27:01,890 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolving associations
for [net.tripleTech.dao.RoleVO#2]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,890 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl collection not cached
2004-01-13 19:27:01,906 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl done materializing enti
ty [net.tripleTech.dao.RoleVO#2]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,906 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl 1 collections were foun
d in result set
2004-01-13 19:27:01,906 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl collection fully initia
lized: [net.tripleTech.dao.UserVO.roles#HESSG]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,906 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl 1 collections initializ
2004-01-13 19:27:01,906 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl initializing collection
2004-01-13 19:27:01,906 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl about to open: 0 open P
reparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
2004-01-13 19:27:01,906 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl prepared statement get:
select rolerigh0_.RightID as RightID__, rolerigh0_.RoleID as RoleID__, rightvo1
_.rightID as rightID0_, rightvo1_.rightName as rightName0_ from RoleRightLink ro
lerigh0_, RightObject rightvo1_ where rolerigh0_.RoleID=? and rolerigh0_.RightID
Hibernate: select rolerigh0_.RightID as RightID__, rolerigh0_.RoleID as RoleID__
, rightvo1_.rightID as rightID0_, rightvo1_.rightName as rightName0_ from RoleRi
ghtLink rolerigh0_, RightObject rightvo1_ where rolerigh0_.RoleID=? and rolerigh
2004-01-13 19:27:01,906 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl preparing statement
2004-01-13 19:27:01,906 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType binding '2' to parameter
: 1
2004-01-13 19:27:01,921 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result set contains (possi
bly empty) collection: [net.tripleTech.dao.RoleVO.rights#2]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,921 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl uninitialized collectio
n: initializing
2004-01-13 19:27:01,921 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader processing result set
2004-01-13 19:27:01,921 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '1' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,921 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 1
2004-01-13 19:27:01,921 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '2' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,921 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,921 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:01,921 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '1' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,937 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:01,937 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,937 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#1]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,937 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '17' as column
: rightID0_
2004-01-13 19:27:01,937 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 17
2004-01-13 19:27:01,937 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '2' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,937 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,937 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:01,953 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '17' as column
: RightID__
2004-01-13 19:27:01,953 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:01,953 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,953 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#17]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,953 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '2' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,953 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 2
2004-01-13 19:27:01,953 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '2' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,953 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,953 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:01,968 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '2' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,968 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:01,968 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,968 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#2]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,968 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '3' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,968 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 3
2004-01-13 19:27:01,968 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '2' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,984 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,984 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:01,984 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '3' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,984 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:01,984 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:01,984 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#3]
2004-01-13 19:27:01,984 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '4' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:01,984 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 4
2004-01-13 19:27:02,000 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '2' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:02,000 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:02,000 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:02,015 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '4' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:02,015 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:02,015 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:02,015 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#4]
2004-01-13 19:27:02,031 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '5' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:02,031 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 5
2004-01-13 19:27:02,031 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '2' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:02,031 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:02,046 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:02,046 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '5' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:02,046 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:02,046 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:02,062 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#5]
2004-01-13 19:27:02,062 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '6' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:02,062 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 6
2004-01-13 19:27:02,062 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '2' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:02,062 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:02,062 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:02,078 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '6' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:02,078 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:02,078 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:02,078 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#6]
2004-01-13 19:27:02,078 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '7' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:02,078 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 7
2004-01-13 19:27:02,078 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '2' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:02,078 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:02,093 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:02,093 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '7' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:02,093 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:02,093 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:02,093 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#7]
2004-01-13 19:27:02,093 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '8' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:02,093 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 8
2004-01-13 19:27:02,093 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '2' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:02,093 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:02,093 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:02,109 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '8' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:02,109 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:02,109 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:02,109 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO#8]
2004-01-13 19:27:02,109 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader done processing result set
(9 rows)
2004-01-13 19:27:02,109 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl done closing: 0 open Pr
eparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
2004-01-13 19:27:02,109 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl closing statement
2004-01-13 19:27:02,109 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader total objects hydrated: 0
2004-01-13 19:27:02,125 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl 1 collections were foun
d in result set
2004-01-13 19:27:02,125 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl collection fully initia
lized: [net.tripleTech.dao.RoleVO.rights#2]
2004-01-13 19:27:02,125 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl 1 collections initializ
2004-01-13 19:27:02,125 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl initializing collection
2004-01-13 19:27:02,125 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl about to open: 0 open P
reparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
2004-01-13 19:27:02,125 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl prepared statement get:
select userrole0_.RoleID as RoleID__, userrole0_.UserID as UserID__, rolevo1_.r
oleID as roleID0_, rolevo1_.roleName as roleName0_ from UserRoleLink userrole0_,
RoleObject rolevo1_ where userrole0_.UserID=? and userrole0_.RoleID=rolevo1_.ro
Hibernate: select userrole0_.RoleID as RoleID__, userrole0_.UserID as UserID__,
rolevo1_.roleID as roleID0_, rolevo1_.roleName as roleName0_ from UserRoleLink u
serrole0_, RoleObject rolevo1_ where userrole0_.UserID=? and userrole0_.RoleID=r
2004-01-13 19:27:02,125 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl preparing statement
2004-01-13 19:27:02,125 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType binding 'PATTONV' to par
ameter: 1
2004-01-13 19:27:02,140 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result set contains (possi
bly empty) collection: [net.tripleTech.dao.UserVO.roles#PATTONV]
2004-01-13 19:27:02,140 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl uninitialized collectio
n: initializing
2004-01-13 19:27:02,140 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader processing result set
2004-01-13 19:27:02,140 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '1' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:02,140 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result row: 1
2004-01-13 19:27:02,140 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Initializing object from R
esultSet: 1
2004-01-13 19:27:02,140 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader Hydrating entity: net.trip
2004-01-13 19:27:02,140 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'Fire Safety'
as column: roleName0_
2004-01-13 19:27:02,140 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning 'PATTONV' as c
olumn: UserID__
2004-01-13 19:27:02,140 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader found row of collection: [
2004-01-13 19:27:02,156 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl reading row
2004-01-13 19:27:02,156 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType returning '1' as column:
2004-01-13 19:27:02,156 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl loading [net.tripleTech
2004-01-13 19:27:02,156 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl attempting to resolve [
2004-01-13 19:27:02,156 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolved object in sess
ion cache [net.tripleTech.dao.RoleVO#1]
2004-01-13 19:27:02,156 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader done processing result set
(1 rows)
2004-01-13 19:27:02,156 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl done closing: 0 open Pr
eparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
2004-01-13 19:27:02,156 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl closing statement
2004-01-13 19:27:02,171 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader total objects hydrated: 1
2004-01-13 19:27:02,171 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl resolving associations
for [net.tripleTech.dao.RoleVO#1]
2004-01-13 19:27:02,171 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl collection not cached
2004-01-13 19:27:02,171 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl done materializing enti
ty [net.tripleTech.dao.RoleVO#1]
2004-01-13 19:27:02,171 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl 1 collections were foun
d in result set
2004-01-13 19:27:02,171 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl collection fully initia
lized: [net.tripleTech.dao.UserVO.roles#PATTONV]
2004-01-13 19:27:02,171 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl 1 collections initializ
2004-01-13 19:27:02,171 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl initializing collection
2004-01-13 19:27:02,171 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl about to open: 0 open P
reparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
2004-01-13 19:27:02,171 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl prepared statement get:
select rolerigh0_.RightID as RightID__, rolerigh0_.RoleID as RoleID__, rightvo1
_.rightID as rightID0_, rightvo1_.rightName as rightName0_ from RoleRightLink ro
lerigh0_, RightObject rightvo1_ where rolerigh0_.RoleID=? and rolerigh0_.RightID
Hibernate: select rolerigh0_.RightID as RightID__, rolerigh0_.RoleID as RoleID__
, rightvo1_.rightID as rightID0_, rightvo1_.rightName as rightName0_ from RoleRi
ghtLink rolerigh0_, RightObject rightvo1_ where rolerigh0_.RoleID=? and rolerigh
2004-01-13 19:27:02,187 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl preparing statement
2004-01-13 19:27:02,187 DEBUG hibernate.type.StringType binding '1' to parameter
: 1
2004-01-13 19:27:02,187 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader result set contains (possi
bly empty) collection: [net.tripleTech.dao.RoleVO.rights#1]
2004-01-13 19:27:02,187 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl uninitialized collectio
n: initializing
2004-01-13 19:27:02,187 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader processing result set
2004-01-13 19:27:02,187 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader done processing result set
(0 rows)
2004-01-13 19:27:02,187 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl done closing: 0 open Pr
eparedStatements, 0 open ResultSets
2004-01-13 19:27:02,203 DEBUG hibernate.impl.BatcherImpl closing statement
2004-01-13 19:27:02,203 DEBUG hibernate.loader.Loader total objects hydrated: 0
2004-01-13 19:27:02,203 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl 1 collections were foun
d in result set
2004-01-13 19:27:02,203 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl collection fully initia
lized: [net.tripleTech.dao.RoleVO.rights#1]
2004-01-13 19:27:02,203 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl 1 collections initializ
2004-01-13 19:27:02,203 DEBUG tripleTech.dao.QueryEngine processing user:ruselmd

2004-01-13 19:27:02,203 DEBUG tripleTech.dao.QueryEngine Returned: 4 results.
2004-01-13 19:27:02,203 DEBUG hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransaction commit
2004-01-13 19:27:02,203 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl flushing session
2004-01-13 19:27:02,203 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl Flushing entities and p
rocessing referenced collections
2004-01-13 19:27:02,203 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl Collection found: [net.
tripleTech.dao.UserVO.roles#PATTONV], was: [net.tripleTech.dao.UserVO.roles#PATT
2004-01-13 19:27:02,218 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl Collection found: [net.
tripleTech.dao.UserVO.roles#HESSG], was: [net.tripleTech.dao.UserVO.roles#HESSG]

2004-01-13 19:27:02,218 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl Collection found: [net.
tripleTech.dao.UserVO.roles#RUSELMD], was: [net.tripleTech.dao.UserVO.roles#RUSE
2004-01-13 19:27:02,218 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl Collection found: [net.
tripleTech.dao.UserVO.roles#SMITHF], was: [net.tripleTech.dao.UserVO.roles#SMITH
2004-01-13 19:27:02,218 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl Collection found: [net.
tripleTech.dao.RoleVO.rights#4], was: [net.tripleTech.dao.RoleVO.rights#4]
2004-01-13 19:27:02,218 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl Collection found: [net.
tripleTech.dao.RoleVO.rights#3], was: [net.tripleTech.dao.RoleVO.rights#3]
2004-01-13 19:27:02,218 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl Collection found: [net.
tripleTech.dao.RoleVO.rights#2], was: [net.tripleTech.dao.RoleVO.rights#2]
2004-01-13 19:27:02,218 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl Collection found: [net.
tripleTech.dao.RoleVO.rights#1], was: [net.tripleTech.dao.RoleVO.rights#1]
2004-01-13 19:27:02,218 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl Processing unreferenced
2004-01-13 19:27:02,234 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl Scheduling collection r
2004-01-13 19:27:02,234 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl Flushed: 0 insertions,
0 updates, 0 deletions to 21 objects
2004-01-13 19:27:02,234 DEBUG hibernate.impl.SessionImpl Flushed: 0 (re)creation
s, 0 updates, 0 removals to 8 collections
2004-01-13 19:27:02,234 DEBUG hibernate.impl.Printer listing entities:
2004-01-13 19:27:02,234 DEBUG hibernate.impl.Printer net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO{
rightID=3, rightName=ViewTCP}
2004-01-13 19:27:02,234 DEBUG hibernate.impl.Printer net.tripleTech.dao.RoleVO{r
oleName=Shift Supervisor, rights=[RightVO#7, RightVO#4, RightVO#1, RightVO#6, Ri
ghtVO#9, RightVO#8, RightVO#11, RightVO#5, RightVO#2, RightVO#17, RightVO#12, Ri
ghtVO#10, RightVO#3], roleID=3}
2004-01-13 19:27:02,234 DEBUG hibernate.impl.Printer net.tripleTech.dao.UserVO{p
assword=RUSELMD, phone=9981, userID=RUSELMD, roles=[RoleVO#3], middleInitial=D,
firstName=Mark, lastName=Russell}
2004-01-13 19:27:02,234 DEBUG hibernate.impl.Printer net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO{
rightID=17, rightName=ViewReport}
2004-01-13 19:27:02,234 DEBUG hibernate.impl.Printer net.tripleTech.dao.RoleVO{r
oleName=Fire Safety, rights=[], roleID=1}
2004-01-13 19:27:02,234 DEBUG hibernate.impl.Printer net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO{
rightID=6, rightName=EditHotWork}
2004-01-13 19:27:02,234 DEBUG hibernate.impl.Printer net.tripleTech.dao.RightVO{
rightID=1, rightName=ViewImpairment}
2004-01-13 19:27:02,265 DEBUG hibernate.impl.Printer net.tripleTech

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 5:45 am 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Tue Sep 09, 2003 2:10 pm
Posts: 3246
Location: Passau, Germany
The ID is ignored when using query by example. This is done because an example object with the id set would return only one object anyways.

 Post subject: Ignored ID
PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 7:31 am 

Joined: Wed Dec 31, 2003 9:45 pm
Posts: 19
So does this mean I need to use a regular SQL query? I want to be able to query by id, and I like the thought of not having any SQL/HQL to maintain.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 7:35 am 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Sun Sep 14, 2003 3:54 am
Posts: 7256
Location: Paris, France
session.get(class, id);


 Post subject: Thanks
PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 10:09 am 

Joined: Wed Dec 31, 2003 9:45 pm
Posts: 19
Thanks for the great help. As always, this forum is a wonderful source of information. I spent quite a bit of time searching through the documentation and faqs on anything I could find about Session, and didn't see that. I should have looked harder at the javadoc.

I still would suggest to whoever, that it makes sense to have the Query By Example work for ids. I want to create a generalized facade to the QBE which would allow a presentation or business tier send in a query without worrying about which field they are querying on. In the current cirucmstance, I would have to check to see if there was an id in the VO being passed, and if so, make a call to the Session.get instead of QBE.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 12:15 pm 

Joined: Thu Feb 12, 2004 12:13 pm
Posts: 2
I had the same requirement and discovered your post trying to figure out why the id was not being considered in the example object. Here is my solution

Example document =

List myList = session.createCriteria(Document.class)
.add( Expression.eq("documentId", documentId))


 Post subject: Still a little awkward
PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 12:37 pm 

Joined: Wed Dec 31, 2003 9:45 pm
Posts: 19
I'm trying to populate a query from a reports screen where the user picks what he wants to search on. I want to be able to just pass every field they choose on to the back end without special cases.

I know, the primary key shouldn't really be visible to the end user, but in this case, its a legacy system conversion, and they don't load up the key with other meanings.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2004 1:26 pm 

Joined: Thu Feb 12, 2004 12:13 pm
Posts: 2
You could still use this - pass it in the critera object and then simply extract the key for the Expression:

List myList = session.createCriteria(Document.class)
.add( Expression.eq("documentId", theDocumentCritera.getDocumentId()))


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 8:28 pm 

Joined: Wed Aug 25, 2004 2:10 pm
Posts: 1
michael wrote:
The ID is ignored when using query by example. This is done because an example object with the id set would return only one object anyways.

I have an object whose id field is a string. What if I wanted do to a query by example with ids that are "like" some value? In that case, an example object with the id set could return more than one object.

 Post subject: Composite id
PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 10:46 am 

Joined: Fri Oct 22, 2004 10:55 am
Posts: 17
We are converting a legacy system. Where id is composite and has business meaning. We need to be able to query on part of the primary key and it is ignored as describe in the post above. Is there any way to make it work generically. We are using version 3.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed May 14, 2008 4:59 pm 

Joined: Wed May 14, 2008 4:14 pm
Posts: 5
Thank you for this post, I spent hours trying to go around this until I read this and found out that was the way Example worked.


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