the other plugins, like hibernator, provides a database connectivity, but my plugin is easily because it finds a hibernate.properties in the classpath and open a connection...
what do you think about this? Should I provide a database connectivity?
Not everybody use hibernate.cfg.xml or hibernate.properties files when deploying an app. Those who use an MBean in JBoss have no use for hibernate.cfg.xml or hibernate.properties, for example. Also, I think that what makes a good tool is that it takes away as much manual editing of text files as possible - and these files are indeed text files. And I think those who use these files for deployment will be happy if there is a tool that generates them! Even more, think about how easy it could be to develop a J2EE app with Eclipse if this plugin had this functionality:
1. Develop the database layer (f.eg. using
2. In the Java perspective Package explorer, right-click and select "HiberClipse->Connect to database", select a configured connection (or create a new one) -> click "Connect"
3. Select tables to import, click Ok
4. Edit mapping types / laziness / cascading / etc using the Relationship editor
5. When satisfied, generate the Hibernate mapping files
6. Start developing the UI!
Note that if HiberClipse uses hibernate.cfg.xml or hibernate.properties files for storing connection info, these can then be used for deployment as a bonus! (And it already does, it just has to generate them as well)
Glad to hear that the next addition to the plugin will be a property inspector! :)
- Mikael