I'm developing a web application using Resin 2.10 and Hibernate 2.1.
There is an administration area where we can create Webpage objects and Area objects. Kind of like this:
Area: idArea, name, startingUrl
Webpage: idWebpage, idArea, url
Thus, an Area can be associated with n Webpages.
Here's the problem: when I edit an Area, change its name and go back to the listing, the system shows the old name. I checked the database and the name has been changed.
If I refresh the page a bunch of times and check on the log I can see that Hibernate issues the following SQL command:
Hibernate: select area0_.idArea as idArea, area0_.name as name, area0_.startingUrl as startingUrl from area area0_
But still displays stale data. If I keep refreshing the page, eventually it shows the updated data, and I see the following SQL code in the log:
Hibernate: select webpages0_.idWebPage as idWebPage__, webpages0_.idArea as idArea__, webpages0_.idWebPage as idWebPage0_, webpages0_.url as url0_, webpages0_.idArea as idArea0_ from webPage webpages0_ where webpages0_.idArea=? order by webpages0_.url asc
Does anyone have any ideas to what the problem is or can maybe point me some directions to material (forum archive, hibernate reference) related to this problem?
Thanks in advance,