I have a bean which has a "java.sql.Clob" property,I have read the howto about using clob with hibernate. my code is like this:
but when run to session.commit(),the process stopped with no exceptions.
Just stopped there. So I opened hibernate debug mode,then I get this:
Hibernate: insert into TBL_FIREWALL_CONFIG (element_id, param_id, used, version, content, insert_time, ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
15:58:15,637 DEBUG IntegerType:44 - binding '372' to parameter: 1
15:58:15,637 DEBUG IntegerType:38 - binding null to parameter: 2
15:58:15,637 DEBUG BooleanType:44 - binding 'true' to parameter: 3
15:58:15,637 DEBUG StringType:44 - binding 'v1.0' to parameter: 4
15:58:15,657 DEBUG ClobType:44 - binding 'net.sf.hibernate.lob.ClobImpl@d2b918' to parameter: 5
15:58:15,657 DEBUG LongType:44 - binding '1071647895617' to parameter: 6
15:58:15,657 DEBUG LongType:44 - binding '109' to parameter: 7
tell me why ,thanks!