I am using Oracle 8.1.x and I have configured the OracleDialect. I am attempting to export the workshop tables(User, Item, Bid) to my database. I noticed that the scripts produced are not correct.
See the following for an example:
This is produced by the SchemaExportTask
create table Item (
itemId NUMBER(19,0) not null,
name VARCHAR2(255),
description VARCHAR2(255),
initialPrice NUMBER(19, 255), <-- illegal
reservePrice NUMBER(19, 255), <-- illegal
startDatetime DATE,
endDatetime DATE,
lastUpdated DATE,
seller RAW(255),
successfulBid NUMBER(19,0),
primary key (itemId)
NUMBER can only be between -84 and 127. 255 is not valid. This is produced by the java.math.BigDecimal data type. Is this a bug, or am I missing something?