humble wrote:
I tried specifying HashTableCache and/or HashTableCacheProvider a few weeks ago and failed to figure out how to use it in Hibernate (v2.02, v2.03, and v2.1beta6) under Tomcat 4.1.24 (and .27 and .29).
I was able to use other cache providers such as:
1) net.sf.hibernate.cache.OSCacheProvider - requires oscache-2.0.1.jar.
2) net.sf.hibernate.cache.JCSCacheProvider - requires jcs.jar
I hope this helps. Personally, I'd like to know how to use the HashTableCacheProvider.
I hope this information helps.
thanks a lot for your reply , i guess my problem keep no sense to the special provider,i also try the OSCacheProvider ,the same problem.
could you be kind give me some basic config info of you make the cache set in hibernate.properies file ?