Our company start work on developing of large account system based on Hibernate + Struts (we are newbies in Hibernate). This system will contain a lot of html tables, which can user change, modify ... . I develop servlet which parameters:
1. name of hibernate class (for example "eg.Customer")
2. list name of columns for view (for example "customer.firstname, customer.address.street, customer.someobject.someobject2.anyproperty,...")
3. definition of filter (for example: "customer.bonus > 4 and customer.address.city='NY'")
4. definition of sort (for example: "customer.surname")
5. definition of highliting rules for columns and tables ("if customer.bonus > 4 then row.color='RED',... )
6. size of page, number of rows on page
User will have possibility define own template with these parameters. There will be more or less 100-150 definitions (this number of tables is used in clent-server version of account system).
Exists some similar project (tag library or servlet) with similar function ? Exists some sourceforge project for it ?