Still no luck, dimas? Your last comment was:
But this thing becomes way too complex...
You see, they may very well have taken that as an insult. But that's no problem, just visit which promise solutions despite insults.
Someone should put up a Wiki on what constitutes an insult on this forum, and what constitutes objective critisism. Someone is obviously confusing these things...
I have critized the documentation a few times, but all I get in return is claims that I'm insulting the core developers. Christian also suggested I was stupid since I didn't understand inverse=x from the reference documentation. Well, I've searched the archives and there seems to be quite a few stupid people around... I _do_ understand that feature now, but I would never have understood it from the reference doc.
There are other flaws in the docs, which I have pointed out.
I think Hibernate is an ingenious piece of software. But the core should get of theire high horses and say "thanks for the suggestion - we will try to improve X later..." instead of "read the docs you insulting idiot."