I think the procedure to connect using JNDI name is way too complicated.
You have me completely confused. As per the documentation, to connect to an appserver datasource, you need to set exactly one property:
hibernate.connection.datasource my/datasource/url
How is that complicated??
And there seems no good documentation available to guide one over using Hibernate say with Oracle and Webspehere, as in my case.
We can't possibly provide documentation of every possible combination of appserver and database, obviously. I am not aware of any other project which does this.
I developed Hibernate on WebSphere, so I know that it is quite easy to run Hibernate under WebSphere. I'm not aware of any problems with this combination.
Lastly there is no documentation on which jars are required to be put with the application. Hibernate2 has (apart from the hibernate2.jar file) 22 other jars (5.4 MB) in the binary distribution. Which of these do I need, as a bare minimum, is not clear.
In the file
lib/VERSIONS, we describe exactly what each jar is for, and which are optional. This file is sitting right next to the jar files themselves. I'm not sure how we could make this easier.
Please don't take this as cribbing, obviously I am frustated coz I am not even able to run a basic Hibernate example with Oracle/Websphere using JNDI, I though I would use it in my project but alas I cannot convince my Proj Manager it seems.
Certainly you should not use
any new technology if some minor hiccups starting out are this much of a problem for your project manager.