I am trying do a simple test of hibernate on jboss. I used middlegen to generate a mapping file from an existing database and hbm2java to generate sourcecode. I'm using the latest versions of these tools and jboss 3.2.2. I'm deploying using the mbean .sar archive. Whenever I deploy and specify any mapping files in the mbean service descriptor, I get the following error message:
13:19:52,861 INFO [HibernateServiceMBean] Could not build SessionFactory using the MBean classpath - will try again usi
ng client classpath: identifier mapping has wrong number of columns: net.sf.hibernate.mapping.RootClass
I've tried different mapping files and it doesn't seem to matter. The mapping file seems to match the database and java code as far as number of columns.
Has anyone ever seen this error or know how to fix it?