ok, sice I typed this message 12 hours ago, I haven't moved from my seat, but I have resolved that problem, I may not understansd the solution, but it works: Here is what I've found out :
- The error is due to the fact that the DOM4J pakcage does not have it's own SAX parser, so it uses any SAX parser provided to it in the classpath.
- According to the DOM4J documentation and I quote
dom4j works with any SAX parser via JAXP. So putting a recent distribution of crimson.jar or xerces.jar on the CLASSPATH will allow Crimson or Xerces's parser to be used
- I had xerces.jar, aml-apis.jar and jaxp.jar in the classpath and in the lib directory of my resin webserver and it still gave me this error.
- The minute I put in crimson.jar it worked
Now for the interesting bit:
On my development environment I don't have crimson, in fact my production environment is a carbon copy of my development, with the exception of crimson now, the only other difference is that one machine is Linux (running on Intel) and the Other is Solaris (running on Sparc) of course the java distributions are slightly different, but Crimson does not come packaged with JDK so I'm at a loss as to why it was working on one end and not the other
As always we are logical people and every thing has a reason but for the lofe of me I can't find it, I intend to take the time after I'm done with the project and look into this more and as always I intend to keep you all informed should I come to any conclusions.