ko5tik wrote:
Well, I tried this....
Disabling verification leads to coredump, and recompiling GLIB is
somehow complicated. If I recompile it, then I have to go
to very latest hibernate, then I have to modify mine 10-15
subprojects depending on it
Maven build failed in the tests ( and you had small typo
yesterday in sources ) ....
And funny thing, that there were no complaints with older jboss version, and the same .war archive.
So It just seems to be unreliable to me, and I'd rather leave my fingers off it...
It must be trivial to recompile cglib. Source code comes with distribution (you can retrieve any cglib version from cvs -r TAG_NAME too),
use "ant dist" to build it. You can remove BCELBackend form CodeGenerator and use ASMBackend without "autodetection" workaround.
It must be possible to modify/experiment and to build JRocket friendly jar.
"And funny thing, that there were no complaints with older jboss version"
older jboss versions do not have BCEL.jar in class path, It must not break JVM, but ...