stolley wrote:
The GPL nature of c3p0 doesn't really bother us, and I think I've seen people post about issues with DBCP before (here and on the Jakarta commons mailing list).
You mean, you simply ignore the GPL conditions? ;-) I've just discovered that C3P0 is LPGL now -- a welcome change! It also offers a bean-style ComboPooledDataSource as of 0.8.4, a la DBCP's BasicDataSource.
I believe that Commons DBCP has been beaten too much, though. We've been using Commons DBCP for quite a while, and it works nicely so far. It may have its flaws, but it is being actively developed, and 1.1 RC1 seems to address quite a lot of issues.
No offence to Steve of C3P0, but how can one be *sure* that C3P0 doesn't have the same amount of flaws? It might just not have come to the surface yet because less people are using it. Of course, I don't assume that: I consider C3P0 a fine component too.
The really sad thing is that we still have to argue about stable connection pool implementations in late 2003...