JimDaues wrote:
I see the same traceback.
I am using Hibernate 2.03, MySQL 4.0.15
[tried com.mysql.jdbc.Driver, failed too]
this is within the context of Jboss 3.22.
my property is:
<property name="delegateBytes" column="INVOCATION" type="binary" length="1024" />
the property setter/getter in the Java object uses byte []
this property is mapped to a BLOB column in the table.
I also tried setter/getter that uses java.sql.Blob directly.
that did not throw an exception, but I could never retrieve
the data successfully after a persist. the blob always came back
In my example, the length of the byte array is over 255
but well under the 1024 limit.
Perhaps this is Hibernate, after all. I haven't really had time to do more research / debugging. In this specific instance - the binaries are all set and read by the same service and no other process touches it (+ low volume, so everything stays in cached in the session). This in combination with being far-from-critical makes it acceptable for us to wait for a HSQL or Hibernate fix, so we just haven't done anything about it yet.
Perhaps Gavin or one of the other contributors can comment?