I don't know why IBM's code does this, but here's what I found with tealwren's help:
I supposed if you have a many-to-one relationship in your collection (and AutoCommit = true), you'll see a function sequence error. I set autocommit to false (based upon your post) and lo-and-behold the function-sequence error is gone.
The error occurs when it does the following.
Hibernate goes to process a list. It goes through the list until it hits a many-to-one. At that point, it generates a new statement searching for the ID. (if there are a lot, you'll run into the n+1 problem, but fortunately for us, it will cache them and just do the matching in memory).
It processes this second statement successfully, and it adds it to the results:
results.add( getResultColumnOrRow(row, rs, session) ); // Line 178 of the Loader.class of 2.03
When it goes to run rs.next():
for ( count=0; count<maxRows && rs.next(); count++ ) { // line 151 of the Loader.class of 2.03
it blows the Function Sequence Error.
This really doesn't make sense to me, because this is query only. I think it's a bug in IBM's code. Hibernate does an excellent job of cleaning up the statements and result sets.
From the javadoc for JDBC Connection.setAutoCommit
...The commit occurs when the statement completes or the next execute occurs, whichever comes first. In the case of statements returning a ResultSet object, the statement completes when the last row of the ResultSet object has been retrieved or the ResultSet object has been closed. In advanced cases, a single statement may return multiple results as well as output parameter values. In these cases, the commit occurs when all results and output parameter values have been retrieved.
I think it's caused by a bug in IBM's code. I have a CLI trace that shows the outer statement being committed when it should have been the inner statement that was committed. I'll try to send them a PMR.
My environment was:
Win2K (or AIX) it happened on both:
( DBMS NAME="DB2/NT", Version="07.02.0003", Fixpack="0x23040105" )
Hibernate 2.03
Using COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2ConnectionPoolDataSource